Renameable text changing case


Trainz Veteran
I have encountered a problem with text entered into a renameable asset, a station nameboard or sign, changing case when a route has been saved and then reloaded. I am using TS12 SP1 HF4.

The nameboards (front row) are configured as shown below. The second row has been added for comparison with another nameboard that does not have this issue.

The route is saved and I exit Trainz. When I reload the route the letter cases of the names have been changed as shown below.

Even more confusing, a third example using the same starting text as shown in the first screenshot produced different results again on reloading with all the text in the last two signs shown in lower case.

The nameboards have not yet been uploaded to the DLS (and will not be until we can resolve this) and the designer (elstoko) is at a loss to explain it. Has anyone encountered this problem before or have a solution?
I might be misunderstanding your example, but the the name boards in the top row appear to have changed as well, the second "test" on the second board is starting with a lower case T in your second pic.

Can't say I've seen this issue myself mind you, but we all seem to find different "quirks"!!
The text displayed on the sign is the name, which you assigned to the object. When saving the map, the names of the objects are saved in the string-table of the config.txt. The tag used is the name, with all characters converted to lowercase, and spaces replaced by underscores. The names of 2 objects, which only use different case of the characters, are mapped to the same entry. After loading these objects have the same name, probably the one saved/used last.

I might be misunderstanding your example, but the the name boards in the top row appear to have changed as well, the second "test" on the second board is starting with a lower case T in your second pic.

Thank you, I hadn't noticed that - it must be past the time for my regular eye test.
The text displayed on the sign is the name, which you assigned to the object. When saving the map, the names of the objects are saved in the string-table of the config.txt. The tag used is the name, with all characters converted to lowercase, and spaces replaced by underscores. The names of 2 objects, which only use different case of the characters, are mapped to the same entry. After loading these objects have the same name, probably the one saved/used last.

Thank you, I will look into that.
The names of 2 objects, which only use different case of the characters, are mapped to the same entry. After loading these objects have the same name, probably the one saved/used last.

Further experimentation has confirmed your view. The problem has been resolved by using upper case for all the station name signs.
Does the asset use in-game text or custom fonts? I don't find it too hard to see this as being lazy coding, but a simple solution would be to remove the graphical representation of a symbol to act as a space. Alternatively, you could try using Windows Character Map to use an obsolete character in place of spaces to not trigger a lowercase adjustment.

Try copying the contents between the inverted commas and pasting it in place of the space in-game: " ". This is a 'no break space' (if the forums don't strip the font specific coding).


Alternatively find it in the Character Map as displayed above, or try holding Alt followed by pressing 0,1,6,0 (in numberpad, not the number line below the F1-F12 keys), then releasing Alt in-game where you want the space to be positioned. Again however, this may not work in-game as the game may override Alt functions.

Best of luck. Hope it works.
Does the asset use in-game text or custom fonts?

It uses the in-game text.

Alternatively ... try holding Alt followed by pressing 0,1,6,0 (in numberpad, not the number line below the F1-F12 keys), then releasing Alt in-game where you want the space to be positioned. Again however, this may not work in-game as the game may override Alt functions

The Surveyor properties window accepted the Alt-0-1-6-0 key combination and it worked - no more unexpected text case changes. Thank you.