Recursive to Failure


New member
I start Trainz2006, SP1, it takes a little while, and pops up a description screen / help screen for awhile. The subject varies. Then main menu screen starts. I select Surveyor, the Surveyor menu screen comes up. I select Maria Pass, Cut Bank Wheat Campaign (first one in the list of cut bank). Another info / help screen comes up and stays for a long time - 45 minutes or so, then TrainZ disappears from the screen, and leaves a bar in the bottom bar on the screen (the same bar as the time), with the label "Trainz 0,0". When I put the mouse cursor over it, the only option available is close. After I select close, I get the M$ notifier that TrainZ had problelms, and did I want to notify M$.

Thoughts? Uninstall and re-install?? I do not believe this behavior is a deliberate attempt on the part of Auran to blow my mind - there are easier ways to do that!! :confused:

Hi emrldski,

I suspect you are having trouble with your grafics settings. try changing from diretx to openGL or vice versa. other than that there is insuficient information in your post. Post your computer specs in this forum and I or someone else will be better able to help.

Well, It used to work just fine. "Something happened somewhere...".:mad:
My graphics are set up for direct X.
Here are the other system details:
BIOS Date: 09/19/01
BIOS Type: Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG
BIOS ID: 09/19/2001-7DX-6A6S6G09C
OEM Sign-On: GA-7DX F5
Chipset: AMD 700E rev 19
Superio: VIA 686 rev 64 found at port 7h
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1533 Mhz MAX: 1533 Mhz
BIOS ROM In Socket: Yes
BIOS ROM Size: 256K
Memory Installed: 1024 MB
Memory Maximum: 2Gb
Memory Slot 01: 1024 MB
Memory Slot 02: 0 MB
ACPI Revision: 1.0

Motherboard Properties:
Motherboard ID 09/19/2001-7DX-6A6S6G09C-00
Motherboard Name Gigabyte GA-7DX(C)

Front Side Bus Properties:
Bus Type DEC Alpha EV6
Bus Width 64-bit
Real Clock 133 MHz (DDR)
Effective Clock 267 MHz
Bandwidth 2133 MB/s

Memory Bus Properties:
Bus Width 64-bit
DRAM:FSB Ratio 1:1
Real Clock 133 MHz (DDR)
Effective Clock 267 MHz

Hi again emrldski,

Well as far as that's concerned your comp. should run trainz ok. I am not quite sure what to advise now but you could try a cold reboot. By cold I mean shut everything down even the main power supply. wait for about 1 min and restsart. This has fixed jumbled memory for me in the past. If that fails to fix the problem I hope someone else can give you more advice.


Ps. I would still try changing to open GL.
Hi Bill,
I changed to open GL. Same behavior. Same result after power off for 5 min. Now going to shut down for the night. We'll see if any different after a full night's sleep - the machine, not me!! :)