Real hardware requirements for running TANE


Well-known member
At the moment my feeling is an i7, 16 gigs of memory and one of the top three nVidia video cards are required to run with shadows and with similar detail to TS12 with the sliders over to high. Can we pin it down a little closer.

The first i7 came out in Nov 2008, are we saying any i7? Should we be looking for a specific score on one of the benchmark sites? The i7 940 comes in at 5440 whilst the i7 4790 benchmarks at 9612 on

Is anyone running a high end AMD video card with reasonable results?

Thanks John
At the moment my feeling is an i7, 16 gigs of memory and one of the top three nVidia video cards are required to run with shadows and with similar detail to TS12 with the sliders over to high. Can we pin it down a little closer.

The first i7 came out in Nov 2008, are we saying any i7? Should we be looking for a specific score on one of the benchmark sites? The i7 940 comes in at 5440 whilst the i7 4790 benchmarks at 9612 on

Is anyone running a high end AMD video card with reasonable results?

Thanks John

Main PC no problems

i7-3770k @ 3.9GHz, 16GB DDR3, GTX970, 3xSSD One for T:ANE 1 for TS12 and 1 for OS, 2 x 7200rpm Sata3 HDD 2TB and 500GB, OS Win7 Pro.

No difference in TANE performance on SSD or HDD loading is quicker though, with the exception of C&O Hinton, fps is around the 50fps mark.

Second PC not as good but highly usable, C&O excluded!

AMD Phenom 1090T x6 @3.2GHz, 8 GB DDR3, GTX680, SSD for OS only and an assortment of Sata2 and 3 HDD's, OS Win7 HP.
TANE is on a 5400 rpm Drive, fps around the 35 to 40 fps.

Both rigs are exceeding TS12 SP1 frame rates for my own route which is a bit of a killer on performance.
for a good starting point, i7 at 3.3 ghz or higher should do good.

That's the problem, there have been 7 years of i7 releases and they are simply not equal. So saying "An i7 at 3.3GHz" is actually not very informative. We need model numbers to actually have an idea what we're working with.
That's the problem, there have been 7 years of i7 releases and they are simply not equal. So saying "An i7 at 3.3GHz" is actually not very informative. We need model numbers to actually have an idea what we're working with.

I'm running an i7-870 at stock speeds and 2 GTX480's in SLI and I was able to load the Hinton route and run a session at about 19fps. It's a bit choppy but playable.
I'm using an i7 2600. CPU usage is below 50% but GPU usage is much higher. It would help if we knew if Tane was using SLI properly or at all.
With my i7 860 @ 2.8Ghz and HD 5870, I've had to switch off shadows. I'm still testing, but with my current PC, I'm treating TANE as 'TS12+'

So it boils down to can we get by with just a new very high end GPU or does it need a whole new system running Win 10? and I'm not sure.

Thoughts John
I have found it runs better under Win 10 than Win 7 - only marginally but every extra FPS is good news. When it was first announced that Tane was being built there were a lot of questions about the specs needed. At that time my GPUs were well within the specs required. Now the goal posts have moved and so has the system requirements. The only folk I seem to hear that are able to run the game at max are those running GTX970/980 GPUs. Everyone else fits somewhere in between not being able to use it at all to running at acceptable levels but not maxed out.
Ive asked before for a poll of just who is getting what so that we can see what is and is not working, but it has fallen on deaf ears. We are getting a very mixed bag of results but no clear cut results as we have high end systems getting appalling results while lesser machines are getting better results. I for one would like to know why.
I'm also fed up with being told to either buy a new system or reduce the settings to a lower setting. To answer the first one - I and probably a lot of other folk cant afford to just upgrade a system because of one game. As for the other, why should we have to settle for running it on the lowest settings? Its a catch 22. You are damned if you do and damned if you don't.
So it boils down to can we get by with just a new very high end GPU or does it need a whole new system running Win 10? and I'm not sure.

Thoughts John

I recommend upgrading to Windows 10 when it comes out. That will help with the hard drive access and has the best performance compared to Windows 7, and definitely Windows 8 overall.

My hardware:

CPU: i7-3770, 3.5Ghz
Video: NVidia GTX780ti
RAM: 32 GB
Hard drives 2x 2TB, 1x 3TB (external), 1x 3TB backup drive

2x LCD displays: 1-27-inch Samsung, other 23-inch Samsung.

When running T:ANE

All sliders full except for shadows which are set to 2048, and draw distance set to 7500.

I get fairly decent frame rates on all routes, even the Hinton which is still the slowest due to the number of splines and other content.

Whenever recommending hardware for any game, for that matter, I always double the RAM at the minimum and go for the best video card and processor the user can afford. This not only gets the best performance, for the most part, out of the current games, but it does future proof things for a few years before an upgrade is needed.

So it boils down to can we get by with just a new very high end GPU or does it need a whole new system running Win 10? and I'm not sure.

Thoughts John

Hi John.

No problems my end. My present specification is in my sig below. Bare in mind that my machine is over clocked to 4.6GHz with watercooling (she's soon to be replaced as she's 4 years old!) The only thing different now is that she's got a ASUS Gforce GTX760-DC2 2 Gig memory

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Well I finally bit the big bullet and dropped $1500US on this thing from ASUS:


I do have a question about SSD drives though. It comes with a 128GB SSD (C:\ OS) and I have a 250GB SSD drive I am planning to add but my current install of 49922 is 205GB and SP1 is 178GB. I am considering whether to get two more 250GB drives, one for each of the TS12s and installing tane on the third one. Thoughts? Suggestions?
I think a single 500GB SSD would be cheaper that two 250s. The rest of the box looks pretty good. And once you put Win10 on it, even better.

PS, which ASUS model is that?
Well I finally bit the big bullet and dropped $1500US on this thing from ASUS:

I do have a question about SSD drives though. It comes with a 128GB SSD (C:\ OS) and I have a 250GB SSD drive I am planning to add but my current install of 49922 is 205GB and SP1 is 178GB. I am considering whether to get two more 250GB drives, one for each of the TS12s and installing tane on the third one. Thoughts? Suggestions?

If your database ever hits 251 gigs a 500 gig SSD will still work, a 250 gig one won't. 500 gigs is more flexible than two 250 gig drives. Cost wise a reasonable 500 on newegg is under $200 which isn't that high. Plus you only need one connector and one power lead.

Cheerio John