Ive decided to create a membership area on the site where you can get content earlier and become a content tester.
Ill let you know when the membership pages go online
1. Free welcome gift that you can NOT get without becoming a member
2. It's totalyfree
3. Chance to become an advisor
4. Chance to become a content tester
5. Download content before anyone else by accesing the members area
To become a member please fill in and submit the 'Subscribe to this site' box on the home page and we will send you a message within 24* hours giving you your username and password.
The normal download pages, Home page and Project pages are not affected by this as they are not members only pages
*Time of confermation e-mail depends on what time you fill in the form but should never be over 14 hours and definatly shouldn't be around or over 1 day.
________ Roll A Joint
The week from sun 20th to sun 27th has been the most viewed yet with 201 visitors the next highest week was the week before with 144 visitors. (+39.6%)