Open For Edit, Obsolete


Active member
Is it safe to delete Open for edit, obsolete content? I'm assuming since it's found to be obsolete, it's updated and not being used?
It should be, but if you really want to make certain, right click the obsolete asset and "list asset versions". Then you can safely delete any older than the current asset.
I wasn't sure if a route called for, say, :2 and you only leave :4 if it would show as a missing assist.
If it is Installed from DLS, Obsolete then it is safe to delete. But just because the tag "Obsolete" has been added and it has been replaced by something newer that you have installed does not mean you can safely delete it using Content Manager.

"Built-in, Obsolete" for example, cannot be deleted because it is "Built-in".
"Payware, Obsolete" can only be deleted via the Content Store.
"Obsolete" content shoudn't be "Open for edit". It means it has been manually edited, or other content has been installed with same KUIDs. You should first submit the assets, then check for any changes before deleting.
Don't delete anything in Open for edit! Some assets that you may have installed via 3rd party maybe located here, always right click and submit or revert to original depending what the asset is

payware = revert to original, you cannot submit any edits
freeware = either revert or submit the choice is yours
There are times when open for edit assets should be deleted, particularly 0kb session files created before a crash to desktop or power failure. They are useless and will not submit or revert. In my original reply I should have stated to revert to original for that asset.
There are times when open for edit assets should be deleted, particularly 0kb session files created before a crash to desktop or power failure. They are useless and will not submit or revert. In my original reply I should have stated to revert to original for that asset.
I never knew that mate, thanks for the heads up 👍 👍
There are times when open for edit assets should be deleted, particularly 0kb session files created before a crash to desktop or power failure. They are useless and will not submit or revert. In my original reply I should have stated to revert to original for that asset.
I aspire to be a 0kb session file. Useless and will not submit or revert.