RAFT Subdivision Progress pics

Hey guys, the route will be released on the website just not for our christmas release. SHHHHHHH!!! Speaking of which, if you have content you want to be released, please email me. you can find the info on the site.
Nice looking route, Ben. Very well done.

Regarding track spacing... it depends upon where you're located. Back east here we have everything from 4 to 4.5 meter spacing while out west, where there's more space and the lines are a lot newer, it's 5 meters or wider.

Lol, I felt like I should bump this thread. I thought this was a good project and all, but then it came a hassle. So I thought Id give an update reguarding the release. Its a lost cause. Id be lucky to still have the route. I currently have someone making a DEM for the emporia sub and Marcus and I are working on our own rendition of the transcon.