The Canadian Pacific Railway's Mountain Subdivision in the Late 1880s


Trainz PC, iPad and Mac
I think this website is far enough along that I can draw attention to it. It is an upgrade of my route which was started back in 2009/2010 and was published on my website as a Trainz: A New Era (T:ANE) route in 2016/2017. Lately, I have been adding Physically Based Rendered (PBR) texturing and High Density (HD) terrain. It is still a work in progress. My hope is to make available a Trainz 2022 version, although I have some reservations as to whether this is possible. My understanding is that HD routes are only available to those who have Trainz Plus. I am also having some issues with porting the route from the Mac to the PC. These I may be able to address, I just haven’t yet made time. I am also scratching my head as to what to do about packed assets. These are few in number but several are textures. The current route file is 5.46 GB and can’t be saved as a .cdp file, but this isn’t a problem.

The Canadian Pacific Railway’s trans-continental railway was built across Canada between 1881 and 1885. The Mountain Subdivision was the last section to be completed. The construction and the decade that followed are considered to be the railway’s “Golden Age”. Trainz enthusiasts who have not downloaded my 1887 T:ANE version will be familiar with the more recent era version available from N3V and online, and the Rocky Mountaineer, the luxury vacation train that currently traverses the route.

It is my hope that a downloadable route, perhaps with sessions, can also be forthcoming, so that Trainz enthusiasts can not only learn a little of the history of the Canadian Pacific Railway and it’s Mountain Subdivision, but also operate trains over the route.

Note: Over the years it has been challenging maintaining links to the pages on my website due to software no longer being supported or compatible with system software upgrades. A new index page has thus been created to provide access to all of the content.

However, it has not been possible to provide links back to this page or in many instances between other section on this website. It is suggested that you note the URL to this page so that you can al least explore all section of the website.
