I used to back up to individual disks but it was taking so long to load & copy back (18gig)I gave up.I now back up to a external HD.Depending how much I download I backup the local folder 2-4 weekly now. All I archive now are my own routes.
Hello...I'm assuming that you have all of your files on one partition? In that case, you could just use a program such as Norton Ghost and make a compressed backup of the partition so that if things got deleted/there was a virus/even a limited hard drive failure, you could just reload the saved partition data onto the place you want and presto: it's all there.
I back up my c: partition on a monthly/bi monthly basis and I have backed up other important things such as my mp3's, important files, etc...and can sleep a bit easier knowing that unless all my hard drives die, that somewhere, I have a backup of the most important stuff.
If space is at a premium on your hard drive, I'm sure you could just copy the local folder over. I run trs 2004 (for now) but I had to do a recent reinstall (because I was having a problem getting a newly installed paintshed to recognize trs). I had installed trs 2004 on another partition and had later on reformatted windows, so it still worked even though it wasn't in the programs folder. Just to be safe, I had just copied over the dispatcher/downloads folder and after the install, I moved it back and everything worked fine, but if you are using trs 2006, that's not something I know a lot about.
I would totally recommend using Norton Ghost 2003 if you can...I've heard poor reviews of other editions and it works great for me (so long as you make sure your registry is ok: it wasn't and I was having a problem backing up for a few days until I figured it out). It's fairly simple to use and it has a decent tutorial in it. I personally think they should ship it out with every standard computer made nowadays, but that's just my opinion (and experience: I lost 300 gigs of data that was unrecoverable which taught me the value of backing up things ).
You have to save the .TDX file also or anything that you have archived will not be remembered since that information is stored in the .TDX file. This also gets you back up to where you left off in the DLS area too. And archiving is not a good way to save your assets especially if you have corrected a number of assets since the built-ins cannot be archived, you will be back to sqaure one after a reinstall. The safest way to backup is to save the local folder and the .TDX file to an external HD.
I find the archive feature very patchy at best, it always seems to either miss something out or corrupt the output file in one way or another (not always obvious either).
I find the best way is to simply copy / backup your local folder to somewhere safe, along with the assets.tdx file. It's quicker, you can do it all in one go, and you're not letting CMP fiddle with it to package it up.