Personal Attacks on the Auran Trainz Forum

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If a member has personal issues with another member, it should be taken to private PM's and kept off of the public forums.
:) Hi Guys,
I support our moderators - they are here to moderate the forum - anything less simply leads to chaos, and it's obvious from some of the comments here that chaos is but a mouseclick away. You don't have to like Moderators/Police but the longevity of any group depends on simply following the rules - you may not like them but when you join a group you accept them, so don't try to change them once you are a member - focus on the core activity, what the forum is here for...........Trainz,Trainz, Trainz................


(getting a bit bored with so much childish in-fighting).....
Anyone that's been around these forums knows I'm rarely serious....:eek:


I'm rarely serious either....but maybe that the whole point. Some folks get into "heated exchanges" on the public trainz forum and ruin the atmosphere. Remember "Its only a game.":cool:
Well it looks like to me if they would get rid or banned the one person that start all this _______ we wouldnt have any of these problems. veryone knows who im talking about . I just cant beleave that hes been able go this long and still be round here. if you want to fix this then take care of the soruce
I do have one question. Since his outburst, SPORBUST has apologized and cleaned up every post he could find that was a part of that outburst. . .However, why exactly was he banned from the DLS?
I don't want to know the reason/s he was banned from the DLS, but I thought he was only banned from the forums.
AFAIK bans only apply to the forum. Perhaps with Auran away the 'tweaks' needed to allow access to one area but not others are in abeyance???

Just guessing....

"BANNED FROM THE DLS!!":hehe: ...your content suckz I wouldnt download even if it was FREE!!! Go get a life......I crack myself up Lol...:p
"I was not having a go (Australian for Personal Attack) at any person race creed or culture or religion here"...................Just :eek:
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AFAIK bans only apply to the forum. Perhaps with Auran away the 'tweaks' needed to allow access to one area but not others are in abeyance???

Just guessing....


Sounds reasonable, as I don't have access to certain areas. The restrictions may have been set for new members before they went on vacation.
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