Good morning all,
As well as being a member of the Trainz community, I am very active in the world of model railroading. For years now, I have been a member of the Lionel Collectors Club of America, and the thought occurred to me recently that maybe other LCCA members are also involved in Trainz. I thought I would post this thread so that LCCA members here on the forum can form a group and share news about both Trainz and LCCA.
If you are an LCCA member and you’re reading this, feel free to post here, preferably with your member number so I can build a roster. I’ll be the first one in!
Even if you aren’t an LCCA member, you can always chat on this thread but I would really appreciate if we could keep this focused on LCCA, and Trainz topics relating to the former.
@oknotsen (or any other mod), I wasn’t completely sure if this was the correct sub-forum, so if you could let me know that would be great!
As well as being a member of the Trainz community, I am very active in the world of model railroading. For years now, I have been a member of the Lionel Collectors Club of America, and the thought occurred to me recently that maybe other LCCA members are also involved in Trainz. I thought I would post this thread so that LCCA members here on the forum can form a group and share news about both Trainz and LCCA.
If you are an LCCA member and you’re reading this, feel free to post here, preferably with your member number so I can build a roster. I’ll be the first one in!

- Anthony Vasiento - #45681
Even if you aren’t an LCCA member, you can always chat on this thread but I would really appreciate if we could keep this focused on LCCA, and Trainz topics relating to the former.
@oknotsen (or any other mod), I wasn’t completely sure if this was the correct sub-forum, so if you could let me know that would be great!