Calling all LCCA members!


Well-known member
Good morning all,

As well as being a member of the Trainz community, I am very active in the world of model railroading. For years now, I have been a member of the Lionel Collectors Club of America, and the thought occurred to me recently that maybe other LCCA members are also involved in Trainz. I thought I would post this thread so that LCCA members here on the forum can form a group and share news about both Trainz and LCCA.
If you are an LCCA member and you’re reading this, feel free to post here, preferably with your member number so I can build a roster. I’ll be the first one in! 😁

  • Anthony Vasiento - #45681

Even if you aren’t an LCCA member, you can always chat on this thread but I would really appreciate if we could keep this focused on LCCA, and Trainz topics relating to the former.

@oknotsen (or any other mod), I wasn’t completely sure if this was the correct sub-forum, so if you could let me know that would be great!

Thanks for adding that (I knew I was forgetting something).

EDIT: I should add that anyone can view the LCCA website to learn about the club. The homepage can tell you about memberships, LCCA News, Event News, and you can watch videos about the club. However there is a members only section that all club publications are stored in, and gives access to the eTrak trade center.

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