Personal Attacks on the Auran Trainz Forum

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Hey All

It seems that in the last few days there have been a number of personal attacks directed towards other members of this great community. I realize that most were initiated by a few if not by just one former Trainz Community member.

This is a friendly helpful community where Trainzers help each other out and share new content creations and technical support among other interesting threads.

I ask each of you to not be drawn down to the level of those who wish nothing more than to disrupt this community. Just ignore these people and we the moderators will deal with them as soon as we learn of it. You can help by reporting disruptive posts.

Contrary to what a few would have you believe this forum is not overmoderated. We only use administrative action where there is no other choice for the good of the community.

I am sure I speak for the other moderators when I tell you that we are only here to keep this community in a way that the vast majority of you want it, and as always we appreciate your support and assistance.


I certainly second that, AJ.
I've been fortunate in the past, to be able to deal with many community members, both in the forums and in chat.

In fact (shameless plug), if you want to speak directly with moderators in a friendly environment, drop into chat.

I enjoy this 'hobby' and the community is part of that enjoyment. I have every intention in helping keep these forums the friendly and information place that they are now.

Your community moderator,

If we had no moderators here I would have left a long time ago. I think they do a great job, and thanks for the warning.

I do have one question. Since his outburst, SPORBUST has apologized and cleaned up every post he could find that was a part of that outburst. I'm not asking for him to be unbanned from the forums because as he has said, he really has no intention of coming back here (HIS WORDS NOT MINE).

However, why exactly was he banned from the DLS?
That's his personal business which I will not discuss here out of respect for his personal privacy.

I suggest you ask him.


I asked him. He doesn't know!

Hmm...maybe one of the people who knows could join his forum and PM him so he won't be nearly as pissed about it?

About 5 of his new (unreleased as yet) locos use DLS dependencies that he lost in his last reformat. How is he supposed to give us all that great content of his if he can't finish it?
That's a matter for him to resolve. Don't bring his personal issues into this forum please. Of course he's an excellent content creator. He's perfectly capable of speaking for himself. I suggest you let him make his own decisions.


Frank BANNED?.........................What did he say that was so BAD?
He has been here since foreva?..........:eek:
16. Submitting messages that personally attack, insult, threaten, harass or are clearly disrespectful of the opinions of other participants. This means, if you are engaging in debates that involve challenging, questioning and disputing the opinions and views of others, you are required to do so in a civil manner and ensure that your messages are relevant and on-topic. This rule does not exclude messages that are critical or questioning. It does, however, require that you carefully consider the tone of language in such messages to ensure that they are civil.

Code of Conduct is clear about personal attacks and suggests we "carefully consider the tone of language" to posts that are critical or questioning. How many members actually read CoC?:o
How is he supposed to give us all that great content of his if he can't finish it?

Dude, yer in it for yourself.... Frank is a big boy. He can handle his own business. I have been a friend of his for over two years, he can take care of himself. You don't need to play hero... :wave:
It would be nice though, if the Moderators would actually investigate what happened before flying off and banning him. Just a thought.

Self-rehabilitated member.
To TrainzStation...

The moderators carefully weigh the decision to ban someone before actually initiating a ban.

They do not just fly off and make unilateral decisions...their decision is in the best interest of the Trainz Community at the time of the offending post.

Thank you Mods for the great job that you do here.

The mods were justified. I read the posts and I know what happened. The mods were also justified in the PM they sent me for my involvement. The moderators did their job and did it very well. I totally agree with AJ.
That's a matter for him to resolve. Don't bring his personal issues into this forum please. Of course he's an excellent content creator. He's perfectly capable of speaking for himself. I suggest you let him make his own decisions.
Let it drop and move on please. I will NOT post more about it.

Frank BANNED?.........................What did he say that was so BAD?
He has been here since foreva?..........:eek:

14. The discussion of race, religion and politics; using expressions or language in messages that are considered foul, vulgar, hateful, bigoted, sexually harassing, racially offensive, or are in any way discriminatory. Whether the discussion or expression falls within this definition will be determined at the discretion of Auran staff and/or Auran appointed forum moderators CoC

16.Submitting messages that personally attack, insult, threaten, harass or are clearly disrespectful of the opinions of other participants. This means, if you are engaging in debates that involve challenging, questioning and disputing the opinions and views of others, you are required to do so in a civil manner and ensure that your messages are relevant and on-topic. This rule does not exclude messages that are critical or questioning. It does, however, require that you carefully consider the tone of language in such messages to ensure that they are civil. CoC

Unfortunately I read the thread and clearly have to agree with the moderators decision.:confused:
Suffice to say if I were a moderator, this place would be a ghost town! Heck, I'd ban you for incorrect spelling!
Respectfully, Ed, that seems somewhat unjustified...some people, such as younger or foreign (non English speaking) members, just are simply learning. You must give them time to grow. Banning someone because of a handicap seems very childish in itself. People using chatspeak, on the other hand, is terrible. But banning them on a first or even second offense is still arrogant.
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