Paintshed templates


New member
Hello to all,

Fairly new to this, but the Paintshed Templates that come with TRS 2006 seem limited, and not very heavy on US items like locos, flat cars, and coal hoppers. Is there anywhere more can be obtained, either freeware or payware?

Don't think so. PaintShed never really caught on and it's not that difficult to reskin stuff properly instead. At least then you don't have to live with the restrictions that PaintShed imposes on you.

Paintshed is a bit limited as it uses .bmp graphic files. What I suggest is find something you like the shape of then in cmp manage content right click the item and clone it.

Then right click the cloned item edit, edit in explorer, this will give you access to the items folders. Look for the folder that includes body in the file name, open that and look for the largest graphics file probably .tga possibly .bmp file you can see and open that in something like PaintShop Pro.

Edit the graphics file, and commit the item <Ctrl>m, load into Trainz. You have just made your first reskin.

There is a bit more to it than that. To upload to the DLS you need permission of the original content creator, you need to modify the name in the config.txt file and working through a couple of the reskin tutorials might help as well.

Not much more difficult than Paintshed but a lot more flexible.

Cheerio John
The only new template I know of that works is the EMD Model 40, a little switcher on DLS. Apart from never really caught on like said above, I've read that the templates are fairly complicated to make.

As the quality of PS assets vary and can't rival much of the freware for looks, I still think it's usable considering the assets are not so heavy to your computer - good for yard-work. My favourite is the 50' gondola which you can make look good with the right colors (except for the couplers) and it also loads several different commodities.

I disagree that reskinning would be almost as simple - I think it's a lot more to that. Then again one needs new challanges all the time, so practice makes perfect.

If you want to try it, I did modifications of the SW7 files to make SW9s and SW1200s in appearance. Still uses the same engine file which is incorrect but the skins look different. I lost another to computer problems but I once modified the F7 to an F3 though you cannot get rid of the dynamic brake fan.

Modifying the textures is easy, you really only need the output one changed though it does help to change the ones seen in PS so you see what you are doing. And if you know what specifics to look for when making them such as file setup, sizes and cetain TXT file changes needed.
Back in Jan 07, John Whelan described how to make reskins (is that the right word?) of a model not in Paint Shed. He said this (which I just found): "Paintshed is a bit limited as it uses .bmp graphic files. What I suggest is find something you like the shape of then in cmp manage content right click the item and clone it.

Then right click the cloned item edit, edit in explorer, this will give you access to the items folders. Look for the folder that includes body in the file name, open that and look for the largest graphics file probably .tga possibly .bmp file you can see and open that in something like PaintShop Pro.

Edit the graphics file, and commit the item <Ctrl>m, load into Trainz. You have just made your first reskin."

These directions were clear and easy--but there was nothing whatsoever in the folder that resembled graphics extensions. There were only ".texture" and ".pm" files.

What am I missing here? How can I, not a computer person or graphics whiz, get my hands on a GP-7 and repaint it?

Any ideas much appreciated... :)
The .texture files are Auran Trainz unique graphics formatted files. To convert .texture files to .tga, go to and select Train Simulator from the list along the left margin then select TGATool2 and download the self installing exe file.

Paintshed is a bit limited as it uses .bmp graphic files. What I suggest is find something you like the shape of then in cmp manage content right click the item and clone it.

Then right click the cloned item edit, edit in explorer, this will give you access to the items folders. Look for the folder that includes body in the file name, open that and look for the largest graphics file probably .tga possibly .bmp file you can see and open that in something like PaintShop Pro.

Edit the graphics file, and commit the item <Ctrl>m, load into Trainz. You have just made your first reskin.

There is a bit more to it than that. To upload to the DLS you need permission of the original content creator, you need to modify the name in the config.txt file and working through a couple of the reskin tutorials might help as well.

Not much more difficult than Paintshed but a lot more flexible.

Cheerio John

Good Point. Another program that i would suggest would be tgatool2.

- LoganS
hey im trying to reskin the f 40 and i downloaded the tool but i dont know wat to do

The .texture files are Auran Trainz unique graphics formatted files. To convert .texture files to .tga, go to and select Train Simulator from the list along the left margin then select TGATool2 and download the self installing exe file.


hey im trying to reskin the f40 and i downloaded the tool but i dont know wat to do nxt