OMG -What have I done?!!!


New member
This is not good, but hopefully recoverable!

OK, I run Trainz 2004 (Build 686) on my other (not-internet) computer and have just come back to it after a long spell.

For other reasons I was advised to download SP4 and did from this PC, onto DVD and ready to take to the other PC. Thought it would be a good idea to use Content Dispatcher to save my now quite massive route to disk just incase.

Problem Number 1. Having opened Content Dispatcher and clicked Add Asset, all my saved routes (3 of them) showed on the list (as Maps and Scenarios, other bits too) but each icon had a warning next to it and when clicked I was told unable to save as I was not the owner of the content :eek: . Strange?

I realised that since re-loading Trainz I had never put my user ID into the Register box and now did so clicking OK, thinking maybe this was the reason (as stated earlier though the PC is not online). Still unable to save my content using Content Dispatcher I went back into Trainz. Problem number 2; to my horror, although my routes are showing in Surveyor they are now simply a grey, gridded landscape with nothing on them; no colour, no track, buildings or anything. Though splines look like they are still there where things should be. When looking at it in Mini-Map viewall the original textures, track etc can be seen so the route has not gone; just seems like all the Assets have been taken offleaving just the bare land.

I also noticed that in Surveyor only my routes were showing, none of the de-fault ones and that in Railyard there was nothing available at all. I exited having changed nothing and came straight here.

Please, please tell me this is recoverable and then please tell me if you know why Content Manager was saying that the stuff wasn't mine anyway.
Did you copy the SP4 from DVD unto the HD of your 2nd computer, the Service Packs need to be on your HD to install correctly.
Firstly did you upgrade from the disc or your HD? The upgrade to latest version needs to be done from the HD of the computer you use. This may be the reason for things not working correct. You may need to delete trainz and start again. Move the world folder to another location and uninstall/delete all other trainz files. Put trainz back on and put upgrade on to HD and update trainz. Now move the world folder back.
I haven't actually installed SP4 yet.

I was trying to use Contents Dispatcher to back up my routes and was unable to do so; when clicking Add Asset, all my Trainz Custom Content shows up with a yellow box/red writing CAUTION ERROR. Trying to open them brings up the message 'Cannot add this content as you don't appear to be the owner of it'.

So I went looking for the reason why and in doing so clicked Start/Program Files/Auran/TRS2004/Edit Kuid. The field was blank so I put in my ID (118275) and clicked 'OK'.

Went back into Contents Dispatcher but the problem had not changed.

It was now that I went back into Trainz itself and I find that only my Surveyor/Driver/Scenario content is listed and the Railyard is empty. Clicking to open one of my Surveyor files finds all the tiles with correct contours but in grey with yellow grid. There are no track, buildings, textures; absolutely nothing.

So it would appear that these files have become detatched from all the Assets required to use them.
OK, managed to recover from the biggest problem having saved my Worlds elsewhere, done a full re-install and brought my Worlds back, though I had to rename and resave one of my routes beacause in Surveyor it was constantly cache-ing :confused: .

Anyway, now back to what caused the problem originally. I want to use Contents Dispatcher to save my routes but on clicking Add Asset I am invited to put my ID Number in; in fact I can go no further until I do but the last time I put my number in it then claimed that none of the content was mine so I couldn't save it.

So if I have never entered an ID number but want to save routes using Contents Dispatcher which I have already created, how to get round it asking for my ID before doing so. Does Trainz assign a default ID which I need to enter in order to use Contents Dispatcher?

What really bugs me is that I managed to get round this without issue about 18 months ago and have the first two versions of my route on disk; just can't remember how I managed last time!
I think you will need to do as it asks and put in your ID number. Then open the world/custom/layouts (or is it routes?) folder, and find the folder for each of your routes. In this folder there should be a config.txt notepad file. Open this, and there should be a line that says something like
kuid     kuid:XXXXX:YYYYY
. The XXXXX section of this will probably be a negative number, and needs to be changed to your ID number. Once this is done (you may have to start and exit TRS - I'm not sure), you should be able to use content dispatcher on the route.

The other way is to open the route in TRS and do a save as (after entering your ID). That may also work.

Hopefully this will help...

Thanks paulsmay, went into each of the maps and changed the first part of the KUID form -2 to my ID number and was then able to access and save via Contents Dispatcher.

Threw a wobbly after installing SP4 so had to do a total remove/re-install but all seems well now; so glad I backed it all up.