Northern Arizona Route

Are you doing a re-creation of something or just a general impression?
Because it would be cool to see a bridge over the grand canyon...
This route is based on the BNSF mainline between Flagstaff, AZ and the New Mexico border (if I ever get that far). The Grand Canyon is about 80 miles north and west of Flagstaff. These are the dimensions of the Grand Canyon:

I think the second paragraph covers one of many reasons why not to.:eek:
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Thanks Ed and motorbreath.

Thanks to bendorsey for the great work on this new version of his Canyon Diablo Bridge.

Nice work as always Gordon.

I particularly like the choice of sky and the way the beautifully textured landscape merges into the horizon in that last shot.

Out of interest, what is the approximate draw distance you are getting to that furthest range of hills?
@Euphod, thanks Ed

Nice work as always Gordon.

I particularly like the choice of sky and the way the beautifully textured landscape merges into the horizon in that last shot.

Out of interest, what is the approximate draw distance you are getting to that furthest range of hills?
Thanks Casper, I have my draw distance set to max 5000 m, I also have good weather fog set down to 0.4. The hills off in the distance are a little over a mile away. I create the illusion of greater distances by fading into some hog textures in the distant terrain features.

@jjanmarine3, thanks for the comment.

@Dermmy, thanks Andy, I appreciate that.

@kamran, thanks, Ed is correct and to the point. You would not want to be at the bottom of a narrow canyon like this during heavy rains.

@Dinorius_Redundicus, thanks Deane, I consider that quite a compliment. Sometimes I wish I could get in there and paint with real brushes.
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I create the illusion of greater distances by fading into some hog textures in the distant terrain features.

Any way you could explain or illustrate that further? If it's a "trade secret", then disregard, but I'm curious as to just what you mean by that.
Sure, it’s pretty simple. The farther away I get toward the horizon I start cutting back on high res textures and use fewer and smaller objects for vegetation. For the final distant mesas and other terrain I blend in one to three earthy grey HOG textures. Sometimes I’ll highlight certain areas with a few colored textures. What I like about the hog textures for this is they don’t give off any surface refection. I think this technique works well for the dry desert atmosphere. If I weren’t doing a desert route I’d probably just increase the good weather fog to achieve a sense of aerial perspective (an artist term for terrain and objects fading out in the distance)
This is a close up of the far distant horizon in the Canyon Diablo shot.

Wow! What an excellent and innovative method, and a great explanation as well. I take it you have some artistic experience and or education.
Gordon, your far distant terrain looks more detailed than many people's close-up texturing!

Just thinking out loud here...I wonder if it would be possible to make a "mirage" object for use in desert layouts. I have only the vaguest concept of how it would work - probably some semi-transparent planes, reflection texture effects and animation to simulate the heat shimmer....hmmm....(he said hoping some 3DSMax top-gun like Arraial will steal the idea and actually do it).

Later edit: Maybe it could also employ the LOD system in reverse, such that the full object is visible at long distance, and as you approach it, the detail fades and disappears...
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Thanks for the draw distance details Gordon, and for sharing the additional information on the texturing and haze effects.

Very innovative and inspiring!

Gordon, would you be interested in anything like this?


It's a one dimensional object that can take any picture, but the picture is only visible from one side. I'm thinking some of the larger native species such as the Turkey Vulture, maybe the Greater Road Runner, Wild Burros, Coyotes to be placed at a distance. I could even do cactus and other plants, but as I said they would best used at a distance. I trust from your talent you would be able to make such an item look "right". These aren't like the "cross", or "billboard" assets, they are only one plane. Let me know.