Following some of the guidance from Piere’s findings, I’ve gone through and replaced some more of the missing dependencies with assets that should be “findable” either via the DLS or from third-party sites as non-pay ware.
UPDATE- The route has been posted to the DLS. To retrieve it, open your Download Manager, and under the "Filter:" dropdown choose "Download Station". In the search line, type in either
Amherst to Truro - Session
and download the session that shows up in the list. This should provide you with both the Amherst to Truro route, as well as a sample session that has some trains (and planes and boats) visiting different spots along the route. PLEASE NOTE- Although this *should* automatically download all assets associated with the route and session that are retrievable via the DLS, there are a lot of third-party assets that you may need to go hunting for. That said, if someone does have enough interest in the route to track those assets down, please consider saving those links and posting them to this thread to help others who might be trying to get ahold of those items.
NOTE- I had mentioned earlier that (going by Piere’s screenshots) there might be an issue in which you see blue pillars in the scenery when you open the route, like this example:
These pillars are placeholders that represent sound sources and should not be visible during normal gameplay. That said, Piere had stated that he hadn’t noticed them on the latest route updates, so hopefully they won’t be visible if you install the version that’s now available at the Google Drive link. However, if they are showing up for you, you can try a few things:
- Go into Surveyor and save the route back out (there should be no need to make any changes – the act of saving should hopefully make the pillars invisible)
- Go into Surveyor and push the pillars underground with the height tool.
- Or (if you’d rather hear the sound of silence), go into Surveyor and delete the pillars.
Hopefully, enough issues are now resolved for people to use the route and the sessions without a lot of hassle.