Northern Arizona Route

@Thad09, thanks very much, I hope you enjoyed the Grand Canyon. When I lived in Arizona I hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon at Havasupai four times. The rock formations from inside of the canyon are awesome. If I ever get back to northern Arizona I’m sure I’d look at things differently after having worked on this. As far as Joe & Aggie’s, Euphod just made a new version of that too.

Thanks Derrick! One day I hope to see this route in it's entirety!
I think I would also like to see this route in its entirety someday.:D
Navajo back roads
This is another one of my experiments to try and create some horizontal strata in the rock formations.

Gordan: It looks good to me..You know most people forget how mother nature works..Sure there is a lot of Strata out there, but also they should remember erosion is whats happening around us..However it is on a Larger scale..
Try to come up withSomething for the Scenery-Lets get Real Thread I'm not that good at it..Thanks Gordan

Check out my Indian Ruins on USA Pics..
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Looks awesome dude.
keep it up.
hope to see more.
i myself was thinking of building a route in Arizona before i heard about this
The horizontal striations to left of the right most pole certainly look well done. The care you're taking in crafting this route is impressive, and is a large part of the reason I'm trying to provide content for it. I know when it is released it will quickly become a Trainz showcase. In fact, when it's completed N3V would be wise to try to incorporate it into a release of one of the next incarnations of the software. You go guy!
Distortions in the underlying grid make it quite hard to maintain constant horizontal strata as the cliffs bend around. What you've done there is really impressive. It must have taken ages to get it to that standard.
The 'horizontal strata' thing on near-vertical terrain was the primary reason I abandoned my attempt to model the UP Cane Creek Branch. Every single grid 'square' needs the texture individually tweaked to suit the distortion and I just don't have the patience! Gordon's results are quite simply outstanding....

@Bob Cass, thanks Bob, I can see by your screen shots and some comments you’ve made that you have a good knowledge of geology. I think you’ve done really well with your Monument Valley and other Utah/Arizona rock formations lately. We’re always up against some of the limitations in trying to control textures on vertical cliffs. I’ll try to put something together for the scenery thread. I think I have some ideas to share on that topic.

@awsomeforge, thanks, I would still encourage you to do an Arizona route.

@Euphod, thanks Ed, I appreciate the comments and all the southwest content you’ve created lately!

@Dinorius_Redundicus, thanks Deane, it really didn’t take that long for me. What I did was form the terrain parallel to the grid so I could create steps or shelves to have better control with the textures. I used some textures that had some kind of defined strata to them. One of the textures that worked well in this group was a little too redish-pink as far as tone. I wish I could tone it down a little.

@Dermmy, thanks Andy, One of my frustrations is Canyon Diablo, which is a narrow canyon with steep vertical slopes. I’ve settled on a somewhat acceptable way of texturing the rocky slopes. The only real solution I can think of is to have some multiple sized cliff face inserts that would blend in with the other textures and color.
I was reading some history on Canyon Diablo. There are a number of cliff dwelling ruins along the canyon. I know not this close to the bridge but what the heck. The three shot sequence is how I might set up a tracking camera someday.

Good Morning,

Beautiful shots, Gordon !

As usual - wonderful detail and great atmosphere.

How pleasant to once again see more regular entries appearing in this thread ! ;)

Cheers Frédo.
Forget the ruins, look at those TEXTURES! In the immortal words of "Chet Chit Chat"; "Humuna humuna boomski!":D

Great work Gordon, carry on....
1 Word: WOW! If you still call yourself a beginner like you did at the beginning of this thread, then I am nothing at all...
1 Word: WOW! If you still call yourself a beginner like you did at the beginning of this thread, then I am nothing at all...

I feel likewise. Beautiful job, Gordon! You put some of the old experts at this to shame, in my opinion, much the more us newer folks. You're giving something for me, or serious route builders, to attain to!

By the way, I have a picture of the Canyon Diablo bridge on my computer, you have just about nailed it! :Y:
Thanks for the comments!

@Boyerm25 &
ulmer94: when I started this route I was only six month into Trainz. Now I’ve past the year mark (I know because my FCT expired) so I think the training wheels can be removed. I’ve learned quite a bit working on this route but I know there’s always more to learn. Ulmer94 thanks for the comment on Canyon Diablo bridge. I’m still working on it and I have a change that I’ll be posting shots of very soon.
Are you doing a re-creation of something or just a general impression?
Because it would be cool to see a bridge over the grand canyon...