Northern Arizona Route

Ed, The Navajo, Hopi trading post fits in so well. The quality is great! I’m still getting the signs and I’m going to post some shots when I place everything. I’ve been working on Canyon Diablo and I’m about a day from finishing that. I’m kind of on a roll with that and it’s going much faster than I thought it would. I love all the signs! I’ll get some shots up in a day or two.
This is my first shot of Canyon Diablo. I still have a lot of work to do top side but I think this view will eventually make a good camera location. I’ll have more shots of the bridge and canyon later. I’m going to have a little fun placing the signs and tourist attractions Euphod has made for this route. I’ll get some of those shots up soon.

Great looking canyon, excellent texturing!

Today's uploads from my end all go with the Stewart's Petrified Wood,


Now, that last one is the wall for the right side of Stewart's. It must be aligned, and rotated and sunk into the ground, like this:


The other three are free standing signs on the property. Now, I have two more long walls that (I think) form the outside of the ostrich pen, and then I can move on to something else!

Edit: I think I'm wrong! It's hard to get a comprehensive idea of how the property is situated. I thought the following two items were on the outside of the ostrich pen, but I think now they may be the right side wall and the rear of the main building, so I went ahead and made them as such. They again, must be aligned and rotated and sunk into the ground. It's hard to make buildings piecemeal like this, but that's a limitation of not being a modeler. I'll leave the finesse work to you! I have posted the pictures of the building so you draw your own conclusions. It may be the main building or an outbuilding, it's hard to determine!

The second one has a dinosaur head sticking out the top where the neck is. I'm sure you can use one of the previously discussed "saurs" on the DLS to make that happen.

Now for the real photos:



Good luck figuring it out!
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I'm sorry, I think 10 images in one post is the limit! Here is a billboard with night mode for the roadside. I have no idea if Stewart's has a billboard, but it has everything else...

Ed, I just got done reading about Steward’s establishment. I see that he parks junk cars in the parking lot to make it look Iike he’s busy. (I think I know where to get the junk cars). The red headed female mannequins, dinosaurs and ostriches are pure marketing genius. Steward’s Petrified wood and ostrich petting zoo is located east of Holbrook on I-40. It’s quite a ways north of the tracks. Well not on my route, I have a location ready to go east of Holbrook and easily seen from trackside.
I think it’s interesting to add some of these colorful roadside attractions. These are so common on the open road through out the whole country.
I’ve got the signs that are up. They look great, thanks again.
Well...I'm crestfallen! I tried to locate it in Google Earth, but was unable. I'm sorry if I've wasted your time on something that isn't prototypical for the route, but in my way of thinking anywhere you could use it would help "immerse" the route user in the ambiance of the area. I agree with what you've said, and as I've said before a prototypical route is never going to be completely accurate anyway. It's so much more important to have the "feel" of the area, and keep the route entertaining for those who end up using it in the future.

As I said before, if there's a particular item you need, let me know and I'll give it a go! Right now, I'm working on some modern billboards with an Arizona theme, to help ground the route in the area some more.

Of course, it is your skill as a route builder that really transports the user to Northern Arizona! With your mastery of texturing...where else could we be?

Edit: here's the first double bill board, larger pic on my thread:


2ND edit: Here's the second double billboard, larger pic on my thread:

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Ed I think you misunderstood what I said. I was trying to use a little humor after reading about Steward’s place in a web site about interesting roadside attractions. (I guess it was very little humor). All along on this route I try to get as much information about how things are on the prototype and then do my best to convey that on this route as a realistic impression of the real area. My approach is more that of a typical model railroader’s approach. If I had done Winslow as it is in reality (and Winslow’s not that big of a city) my computer would come to a screeching halt or I’d be working on it for months on end. My goal is to keep this route reasonable accurate as far as tracks, major roads and things like Canyon Diablo and other major features. As far as towns and trackside Items I’m not splitting hairs over exact locations. If I like something and it feels right for the area I’ll move it closer to view near trackside rather than worry about super accurate location. I realize that many route builders want every aspect of their route perfect. What I want is a believable realism to this route. The signs and buildings you have made not only add to the realism, but also give this route some regional character. I’ll place things in a way that complete the picture or tells a story rather than worry over it being in the absolute accurate location. I guess that was a little long winded, I could just said “nah I don’t worry about staying in the lines.”
Gordon, no problem, I understood your post. I just was restating my own idea of what a route should be, and it appears we agree on that! I'll do more as I can, and whatever you can use is great. Good night.
Good Night,

Truly spectacular pictures ! I honestly don't know what else to say,
apart from encouraging you to keep us informed of your progress. I wish you all the best !
The sky gives a lovely effect, absolutely amazing Gordon ! ;)

Kind Regards Frédo93.
Wanted to let you know you've got the scenery nailed!

A little background first, so you'll understand what I meant.

My wife is Chinese, and moved here to Colorado from Nanning almost exactly a year ago. Two weeks ago she and I and my daughter took a week long drive through the Four Corners area, and visited the Grand Canyon. This was her first exposure to that part of the country. She took a bunch of scenery photos with her new camera, and I took more with mine.

Last night I was looking through this thread at some of the new screenshots. She was sitting next to me working on her computer, and noticed some of the pictures I was looking at.

She immediately said, "Arizona!" I said, "Yes, you're right."

She said, "Send me that picture; I want use as background picture on my computer. And I want send Hai (her son) so he see where we go last week." It took a couple of minutes to convince her that this wasn't one of the photos I'd taken on our trip.

Then she had me do screen captures of all of your work and send them to her laptop.

So I think you got it right.
Wanted to let you know you've got the scenery nailed!

A little background first, so you'll understand what I meant.

My wife is Chinese, and moved here to Colorado from Nanning almost exactly a year ago. Two weeks ago she and I and my daughter took a week long drive through the Four Corners area, and visited the Grand Canyon. This was her first exposure to that part of the country. She took a bunch of scenery photos with her new camera, and I took more with mine.

Last night I was looking through this thread at some of the new screenshots. She was sitting next to me working on her computer, and noticed some of the pictures I was looking at.

She immediately said, "Arizona!" I said, "Yes, you're right."

She said, "Send me that picture; I want use as background picture on my computer. And I want send Hai (her son) so he see where we go last week." It took a couple of minutes to convince her that this wasn't one of the photos I'd taken on our trip.

Then she had me do screen captures of all of your work and send them to her laptop.

So I think you got it right.
@kamran, thanks. It really does fit in well with the whole landscape.

Thanks for the shot! For some reason, it really makes me laugh!
Stewart’s makes me laugh too. I still need to add more stuff to clutter it up. I have one shot of the Navajo & Hopi craft center here. I appreciate the work you’ve done on all of this content.

@FREDO93, Thanks, I had no idea what I was getting into when I started this route. Comments like yours and others posted on this thread have inspired me to keep moving forward on this route.

@nfitzsimmons, thank you for sharing that. That really means a lot to me! My memories of many of the areas the three of you traveled through still inspire me today.

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It's such a pleasure to see something I've painted in it's natural habitat! Well done!
I have just uploaded a Best Western Motel, and I see the Thunderbird Gift shop is available now too. Enjoy, and concentrate on your route, that will be the ultimate screenshot when it's done. I'm just throwing together items I think you may be able to use, and you're [Edit: NOT] obligated to use every one. You have a great talent, and I know whatever you put down will be situated right!
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