New Tutorial Site Page - Can I patch my version? (TS2009/TS2010/TS12)

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After using the ... button, check if the Apply Patch button is available at the bottom. Failing that, the autopatch is available - click Options on the Launcher (after you close the manual patch), then click Planet Auran, then click Patch Trainz.

After changing the link path and clicking open, it returns to the patcher dialog but the path doesn't change for quite a while. I did not wait long enough for it to change. Tried again and it worked ok. I am now up to the last patch, and everything seems to be working alright. Thanks for your help.
No problem, and apologies for the late response - my broadband connection has been down since 12PM GMT today and only came up a few minutes ago.

Hey Shane,

Thanks for this thread, I've been away from the game for about 6 months , bought a new computer, now I want to get back into it, missed it , after I install the game, I start downloading the patches, when I get to the patch that is 1.7gigs, it seems that it takes a very long time to download it, does it take a long time? or am I doing something wrong, it gets half way through, then it seems to just sit there, maybe I'm just not patient enough. sure could use some input from you or anyone else, thanks

Hey Shane,

Thanks for this thread, I've been away from the game for about 6 months , bought a new computer, now I want to get back into it, missed it , after I install the game, I start downloading the patches, when I get to the patch that is 1.7gigs, it seems that it takes a very long time to download it, does it take a long time? or am I doing something wrong, it gets half way through, then it seems to just sit there, maybe I'm just not patient enough. sure could use some input from you or anyone else, thanks


The lengthy download time and the apparent pause at around 50% are both normal for that patch, so you will need to be patient.

Hi Shane; Well, I just can't take it anymore, I'm missing out on having a look at some great new steam era routes. I am going to have to do the dang update thing. The more I look around the more confused I get! I'm downloading all 6 files I found at your forums or tutorials.







Can you point me in the right direction to get the easiest to follow directions? I thought I saw a tut. or post that seemed to be the answer, but can't find it now. I thought it might have been something you wrote.

I'm not worried about loosing an install, I have others. I'm doing it offline, that rig does not have any antivirus of any kind. I guess it can't hurt to do a quick data base repair before and after each file is installed.

If that's all there is to it, it should be no problem, but everyday somebody is disappointed about how it went.

If you get a minute, could you just let me know what order to install them, #1 to #6 (I guess I install them all?)

Thanks bud, Merry Christmas........Rick

Oh Man, don't know how I ended up with those. I think I some how went from your site to the shop site? Anyway, I found your patching guide which could not be easier to follow!

thanks, cheers..Rick
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The way I have it set up is that the start and end builds are both shown so you only need to download the one that corresponds to your start build each time.

You may find it easier to use the link in the first page of this post, as the patches are shown in order on my Can I patch my Version page.

Yes, your list was what I needed. Not sure how I left that page. Anyway, I have all the correct ones now, and have them transferred to my off line rig. I am backing them up in a couple of places, I don't want to have to download those again. Of course, I forgot to turn off my anti virus and had to to it twice. I would love for it to just go in with no problems, but I'm going to keep at it tell it's over with. I have a couple of 49922 installs for my route. After I get the updates into the new install, I will make another complete install back up for that. I guess I will have lots of time to read up about it, whilel it is installing. Thanks for all your tuts, guides, etc.

I think a nap might help!

I have to go to the shop. Here's what I have. I think it said something to the effect that there was one error, kuid:-3:11061 is damaged. I an not even going to turn the pc off for now. I can't remember seeing this on the forums, but have not taken a good look. When I get home, should I do a data base repair. Extended or quick? I hope it's not a major thing. Sounds like an auran kuid.

Thanks Shane, I had a few more minutes, before I gotta get going. Did a quick database repair (the quickest one I can remember). All seems well. It's good to have you standing by! Thanks, again, I will continue with the other patches when I return. That kuid has no errors or warnings. Hope the rest goes that well. Gotta go!

Well after looking at all the horror stories about SP1 over that last few months, I said there is no way I want anything to do with it. I cannot believe that the patching went without a hitch. 1 error and that was taken care of with the quickest quick database repair I ever saw. I was holding my breath waiting for each patch to do it's thing. Now, I know I may be facing some problems with stuff that needs to be fixed, hopefully that can be done in the config files. If not, it's really time I learned to use some of the tools available at Shane's site. I really wish I had done this months ago!

I'd really like to thank you Shane! You have done so much to help our community out. The fact that you're out there somewhere ready to help out the less gifted (morons like me) has always been a calming thing for me. The big shots should really consider hiring you. I dare say many would have giving up and left Trainz without you helping them find their way. Although, it's not much, they should at least thank you a million times for all the members who stay with Trainz and continue to put money in their pockets, because you helped them figure out problems.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and for the countless hours you spend helping us.

No problem - in terms of fixing, as long as you've got the required PEVSoft tools and are willing to mess around with config (and sometimes script) files, this normally fixes most errors. The only ones that will not fix using the methods described above are the ones introduced in TS12 SP1 HF4 which require a sound editor like Audacity.

Hi Shane; I've just started looking at it. I can only see 15 files in the TS12 folder. Is that right? I can fix things in the config files easily enough. Scripts, I have to learn about, I have not had a problem with those yet. A couple of days ago I downloaded all the tools via your site. I have not learned how to use them yet. I will have to get Audacity.

So, is there only supposed to be 15 files in the folder?

Thanks, cheers.....Rick
Hi Shane; I've just started looking at it. I can only see 15 files in the TS12 folder. Is that right? I can fix things in the config files easily enough. Scripts, I have to learn about, I have not had a problem with those yet. A couple of days ago I downloaded all the tools via your site. I have not learned how to use them yet. I will have to get Audacity.

So, is there only supposed to be 15 files in the folder?

Thanks, cheers.....Rick

Should be files and folders

Thanks Malc; As usually the wife is dragging me away to the shop! I must have a look at it when I get back. Thank you kind sir!

OK, I'm back! Here's what mine looks like. It's not online.


Hmm...Seems like it's working. I don't have the KeywordsDump.dat or cmp.txt In my old install or in the new SP1+. I don't have trainzoptions.txt in my SP1+ install, but it IS in my old install.

My Trainz is most likely your Trainz.exe (Application).

I have Builtin which you do not have.

As I said it's on an off line machine. You might think I'm crazy, but that rig is set up for "Black Viper's bare bones" settings. Basically, just what's needed without all the bells and whistles. There is no anti virus or protection of any kind. I've had no problems running like this.

So, what do you think? Don't worry about it and carry on?

Thanks Shane and Malc

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