Need some interpretation (google image)


Ok, here my issue.
Im modelling Fishlisps Monterey terrain.
A friend of mine, who lives in the area, has provided me alot of photos, and descriptions.
However we faced the wall.
This is a image of a quarry, located near Aromas, on the way towards Gilroy.
This is just south of Watsonville, california

My problem is This.

Is this quarry connected with the rails?
I think i see a bunch of Gondolas down there, but the dust and gravel, makes it hard to see.

Any ideas or facts.
Would really like to know the name of that quarry, and what the produce.

Shot at 2007-07-30

Shot at 2007-07-30

Thanks for any help.

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Yes it is connected to the quarry,it is where they will pull the train up and just dump whatever there mining inot it using loaders etc.
Yes that quarry is connected to the main line. At least it was 11 years ago when I last drove through their. I've driven through their many times and remember seeing many ore cars in their getting loaded. I can't remember the name of the quarry but I think they use to supply balast rock for the railroad too.

I don't know anything about the quarry itself but I'm just looking at it on GE and it's definitely got a rail link. I can see three rakes of gondolas / hoppers, (two empty and one filled) and if you carry on around the hill at the top of my screenshot you can clearly the track going through pointwork before curving round to an enormous quarry area with even more wagons being filled. And if you carry on right around the curve there's a little orange switcher sitting on its own :(



P.S A quick search on Google reveals it's a granite quarry - see here.

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WOW, now this is how i remember the forum:)

I barely posted my issue, and BAAM:eek: , theres more help then i could ever imagine.
I must admit, that i have done a bad research.:hehe:

Again, thanks for all your help guys.
If anybody have more info, please post them.
