New MRR release: KleinStadt Model Railroad - German period MRR


Hello everyone:

Announcing my first layout release for TRS 2019.

KleinStadt Model Railroad <KUID:521966:101076>

And it’s accompanying session

Kleinstadt MRR - Mixed Session with AI <KUID:521966:101643>

Video Trailer:

Most of the assets are on the DLS, many on various sites.

To avoid the kuid hunting ( I really, really reeeeeally hate kuid hunting), I have CDP’d all of the modified assets for the layout and session, and make them available here:

The layout is based on an old Maerklin layout plan from the 1970 catalog. Image and details, here :

I managed to keep the original plan pretty much unchanged through the build process, but that did entail making a lot of rock and spline assets to make it work, as we all know the Trainz grid is far from friendly when building from MRR trackplans, with closely spaced trackwork, especially on different levels. :o

The theme is a mix of old/mid era German buildings… lot’s of Fachwerk (timber truss) buildings in town, and German suburban cottage homes. I have also setup scenes all over the layout that you can enjoy looking for. This was what really kept me from releasing this layout sooner, I just couldn’t stop detailing! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The session has 4 passenger consists (2 steam, 2 electric) running a folded figure 8 route, in opposing directions, and 2 opposing portals emitting varying freight consists at 7 minute intervals. All use commands from a schedule library. Fully signaled layout with blocks.

There are 12 locos on the route: 10 in the roundhouse, 1 fast diesel shunter and one tiny yard tractor.
There are 24 pieces of rolling stock, of varying cargo types for shunting.

There is a fiddle yard, unconnected, mainly for building your own consists, and 2 display shelves for consists/locos by euromodeller.


While avoiding the always in a hurry passenger trains, you can run:

Coal wagons >
KleinKohle GmbH (load coal) to Kohleentladung. (dump coal)
Postal wagons > Mail from Postal building on main station track to Ship dock and back
Boxcars > Grain from Granary/Foods plant building to Brewery, General goods from the ship dock to Kleinstadt Spedittion (Road Carrier Transfer), Goods from Granary/Foods plant to Kleinstadt Spedittion
DB z53 and DB Ucs carriers > Säuretopf and cement commodity, respectively – Säuretopf transports acids: sulfuric, oleum, hydrochloric, nitric aci, hydrofluoric and phosphoric acid. Build a mixed consist and run around double loop to ship dock or Kleinstadt Spedittion.
Lumber wagons (Darker skinned coal gondolas) > Lumber from ship dock to Kleinstadt Spedittion

AI NOTE: IMPORTANT! : The AI runs fairly well, with an occasional passenger or portal consist getting stuck. Usually the KPEV T18 or the EB 110 passenger trains get stuck. The KPEV will always stop and wait for about 1 minute, when coming back into the station at signal 19040, but will resume on it's own. The EB 110 will get stuck on the station exit curve, or in the long tunnel east end at signal 4574, or when entering the big bridge just past the Notel Motel.
Use edit trains to move the consist backwards about 1/2 a consist length or so, and the loco will re-aquire the schedule and continue.

Incoming portal from the north may get stuck when entering the layout at signal 21380, but will usually move through the switches, but slowly. Same for the incoming from the west portal, but at signal 19238. Be patient, the AI almost always clears on it's own. VERY little fiddling required. ;)

Trackage notes:
Holding tracks behind dock for emptys and inbound cars to be spotted
Holding/waiting spurs along east side of layout for whatever you want
Coal Bunker, Sand Bunker, Sand tower and Loco wash stations on service tracks next to harbor (Non functioning scenery)

Some of my models in the layout:

1920s Yale forklift – scratchbuilt from old photos – plenty of forks from later decades around, but nothing from the early 1900s, so I built one. Based on this model
Custom tunnel portals – Scratch, based on a MRR design
Custom building signs and commercial window awnings
Reskinned Neoklai75 and Sholborn (CUK) people
Ducati Desmo 175T motorcycle
Outdoor beer garden beers signs
Reskin of the HUGE wall spline
MRR room sofa
Set of vintage Maerklin posters 1932-1939
MS-Schnelle Schildkröte - Fictional Coastal Freighter – fictional German fleet reskin of Motor Coaster MV Dornoch Firth
GP peniche h Blue-Black scheme (large, narrow cargo barge) – reskin of original by pat9149
1940s Semi_Trailer Weihenstephan Brewery – remesh/reskin of davesnows 1940 trailer
Anim Birds – White reskin (seagulls?) of arraials’ original asset
Boat Horse and Sawhorse – used for support of small-medium sized boats during drydock repair
Set of two plank walkways, narrow and wide. Generic asset – can be used as loading dock, walk way, deck
Timber deck support spline – 4x4 X-frame timber support spline – use under docks, decks, platforms etc.
2 versions of a engine shed workbench with props – use anywhere you need to fix stuff ;)
Various signs and misc props, splines
Previously unavailable custom benchwork assets that davesnow made for me a few years ago. Released under my Trainz ID.

Special thanks to: euromodeller, philskene, oknotsen and railhead001: Dissecting and reworking/rebuilding your layouts, is how I slowly learned the ins and outs of building in surveyor.

ScreenShots follow, and link to full set here:







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hi ricomon35
Lovely little model railroad.
However, I have missing kuids after downloading even your dropbox CDP's:
hi ricomon35
Lovely little model railroad.
However, I have missing kuids after downloading even your dropbox CDP's:

These are the last batch of my kuids I uploaded to the DLS. Apparently they aren't listing yet.

Go back to the dropbox link, I have added 2 more cdps. :Y:


Looks very nice on the screens and movie Rico, great little marklin route !
The packs downloaded super quick, but wish they included the session:
Kleinstadt MRR - Mixed Session with AI
I prefer to get pure the route and sessions first then see what is needed in CM

Now the horrible task of getting all from DLS remains (will take me a week)
so far the list shows a few unknown and even payware?

Not complaining, will take the time to complete it.

The day I was born, my father bought his first marklin set (with a BR23)
it has grown to be 1 of the biggest private marklin collections in my country
with about 400 rolling stock.
At the age of 2 I was placed behind a huge transformer (trafo) to drive my first train lol.
Thanks for this nostalgic master piece :-)
Looks very nice on the screens and movie Rico, great little marklin route !
The packs downloaded super quick, but wish they included the session:
Kleinstadt MRR - Mixed Session with AI
I prefer to get pure the route and sessions first then see what is needed in CM

Now the horrible task of getting all from DLS remains (will take me a week)
so far the list shows a few unknown and even payware?

Not complaining, will take the time to complete it.

The day I was born, my father bought his first marklin set (with a BR23)
it has grown to be 1 of the biggest private marklin collections in my country
with about 400 rolling stock.
At the age of 2 I was placed behind a huge transformer (trafo) to drive my first train lol.
Thanks for this nostalgic master piece :-)

Hi G.M.:

Check your PMs and read:

Glad you like the route.

You'll be glad to know I have several other Maerklin based routes in the works. Those will be a while before they're finished.

Yes, I do have some payware, most are small scenery bits.
If they become an issue for alot of users, I could upload a non-payware version.

These are easily replaced assets :)

Payware dependants:

<kuid:103475:22028> (TS12) Grass Dark Green (Flora) from <kuid2:1854:1:12> Healesville - 1913-1920
<kuid2:1776:300005:1> MRR: HO Wall Blue 1 from <kuid2:429398:100003:13> Japan - Model Trainz
<kuid:942118:214> SM Plankwood 03 from <kuid2:661281:200003:28> TRS19 Main Menu Route

<kuid:661281:95990> Barrel 1a - Seasonal from any of these 3 routes
<kuid2:661281:200019:8> Content Samples #1
<kuid2:154322:100063:19> ECML EDINBURGH - DUNDEE
<kuid2:661281:200007:37> Kickstarter County 2

<kuid2:523:19723365:1> Plant Horseweed 01 from either of these 2 routes >
<kuid2:661281:200019:8> Content Samples #1
<kuid2:57230:100074:14> Sebino Lake, Italy (1980s)

The grass could be manually replaced, or left out. It's a really small weed/grass asset by s301. I can't even find any now, it's so small, LOL
The walls you could replace with any of the existing MRR wall assets. The wall deco, door and furniture can be used as a marker for where to place.

The plankwood should be a part of everyone's base install as it's the main menu route route for everyone right?

Here's a pic of the locations of the barrel, horseweed and the plankwood scenery.
Clone the route and replace or delete as you wish.

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This looks great and I have downloaded it into my TRS2019 installation.

I would like to see it running but I'm wondering about which version of TRS2019 this has been made in? I have the regional UK version of TRS2019 and after downloading and installing the cdp packs from the link in post #1, I still have 94 missing dependencies.

This looks great and I have downloaded it into my TRS2019 installation.

I would like to see it running but I'm wondering about which version of TRS2019 this has been made in? I have the regional UK version of TRS2019 and after downloading and installing the cdp packs from the link in post #1, I still have 94 missing dependencies.


Could you post the missings here robd? if you note which are built-ins etc that will help

I bought my TRS2019 from Steam. I'm in the States so it would be whatever we get, I suppose.

I don't know where to look for regional info other than the version number. Build 114863?

I do need to know as well, as I'm going to post up at, and they would be limited by their versions as well.

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Route complete now after 4 days and it looks great !

Unknown assets fixed: (because I have TRS19 regional Euro probably)
<kuid2:425700:102378:1> CL Fence Wood - 07, clam1952, repaired using the +1 trick on <kuid:425700:102378>
<kuid2:328583:20251:1> JVC#(Gr1) Trackside spline C, jankvis, repaired using the +1 trick on <kuid:328583:20251>
<kuid2:328583:20247:1> JVC#(Gr1) Trackside spline A, jankvis, repaired using the +1 trick on <kuid:328583:20247>
<kuid:103475:22028>(TS12) Grass Dark Green (Flora) s301,(payware) repaired by linking a jankvis grass mesh from a library already installed
<kuid:75805:60009> A25 Forklift Truck, pterodactyl (payware), replaced by a freeware forklift, but don't see in route (could be a remnant asset)

found a few flying grass items (no need to fix, it's fine)

Next phase getting the sessions assets that I don't have yet
while these crawlload, I just love watching the little details in surveyor
-like the guy sleeping on a couch
-the people discuss repairing a boat
-the white birds
-the old cars (from my youth)

Edit, all complete !
<kuid2:68787:1450:10> Vasquez, Driver, used the -trick (lower version on DLS) now status Third party
<kuid2:68787:22123:11> Zdenka, Driver, used the -trick (lower version on DLS) now status Third party
<kuid2:438004:50015:1>, 23A-5fv2_bogey, needed a kuid chase through google and found on a Polish site

All complete and error free now. Played the session, so well done !
if N3v wants a showcase of Trainz as model Train replacer, this is the one
better than the payware routes I have seen.

Again big thanks Rico for this Gem !
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Route complete now after 4 days and it looks great !

Unknown assets fixed: (because I have TRS19 regional Euro probably)
<kuid2:425700:102378:1> CL Fence Wood - 07, clam1952, repaired using the +1 trick on <kuid:425700:102378>
<kuid2:328583:20251:1> JVC#(Gr1) Trackside spline C, jankvis, repaired using the +1 trick on <kuid:328583:20251>
<kuid2:328583:20247:1> JVC#(Gr1) Trackside spline A, jankvis, repaired using the +1 trick on <kuid:328583:20247>
<kuid:103475:22028>(TS12) Grass Dark Green (Flora) s301,(payware) repaired by linking a jankvis grass mesh from a library already installed
<kuid:75805:60009> A25 Forklift Truck, pterodactyl (payware), replaced by a freeware forklift, but don't see in route (could be a remnant asset)

found a few flying grass items (no need to fix, it's fine)

Next phase getting the sessions assets that I don't have yet
while these crawlload, I just love watching the little details in surveyor
-like the guy sleeping on a couch
-the people discuss repairing a boat
-the white birds
-the old cars (from my youth)

Edit, all complete !
<kuid2:68787:1450:10> Vasquez, Driver, used the -trick (lower version on DLS) now status Third party
<kuid2:68787:22123:11> Zdenka, Driver, used the -trick (lower version on DLS) now status Third party
<kuid2:438004:50015:1>, 23A-5fv2_bogey, needed a kuid chase through google and found on a Polish site

All complete and error free now. Played the session, so well done !
if N3v wants a showcase of Trainz as model Train replacer, this is the one
better than the payware routes I have seen.

Again big thanks Rico for this Gem !

Thank you G.M. for the list of fixes for folks that have the Euro regional version. :Y:

The floating grass, I imagine is along the table edge? Just before release I had gone back through the layout and re-laid the TurfFX grass. I had finally figured out how to lay the grass down in really small (less than one grid square) areas, and I likely missed cleaning up some of the old grass.

There are a few people "scenes" in the layout to find. ;)

1.) Bratwurst Häuschen - Police officer arguing w/the Ducati rider and BMW driver after pulling them over for racing
2.) City Maintenance yard - Truck driver chatting with Yard manager/Dispatcher
3.) Bratwurst Häuschen - Girls ordering lunch
4.) Old man mowing his lawn.
5.) Brewery - Weihenstephan driver chatting with Brewery manager
6.) Brewery - Warehouse guy waiting for hops/grain delivery
7.) Kleinstadt Boot werkstatt - Boatbuilders boatbuilding
8.) Ship docks - Freight ship crew having a yelling conversation with the Kohlentlader yard man
9.) Ship docks - Tugboat crew chatting
10.) Roundhouse - Maintenance forklift crew chatting
11.) Coal bunker - Worker shoveling (animated)
12.) Kohle loading point - Road cleanup crew working on gondola overspill pile
13.) Bus stop - Busy yuppie businessman, and Call girls waiting for the bus, on their way to the Notel Motel
14.) Notel Motel - Current shift girls on the porch
15.) Kleinstadt Speddition (road transfer) - Lumber forklift crew
16.) Hüttemann's Bratwurst - Lunch goers
17.) Hotel Träume schön - (Sweet Dream Hotel) - Yet more call girls...
18.) Station - Postal delivery driver chatting with shipping/receiving guy
19.) Station - Tour bus passengers in line
20.) Station - Omnibus stop
21.) Hotel - Employee doing daily bottle recycling
22.) 3 delivery vans being unloaded, different locations
23.) Beer Garden - Broken down Porsche on tow truck - Rich owners, arguing with tow truck driver
24.) Beer Garden - Dining patrons
25.) Beer Garden - School girl teens hanging out
26.) Grandma feeding pigeons in her backyard
27.) Main street - School girl teens waiting for the bus
28.) School - Crossing guard and children waiting at flashing yellow light.
29.) School - Kids playing in school yard
30.) Grandma shooing dog and cat away from garbage pile
31.) Deer along mountain path
32.) Grandma selling roadside food/nuts?
33.) Construction crew and building site.
34.) Intermodal Transfer crew chatting by 1920s forklift

Scenes I forgot to add: :o

1.) Yard signal repair crew and repair truck at work.
2.) Firewatch tower - Forestry person on watch
3.) Building renovation crew on scaffolding (Hotel next to Hotel Träume schön)

Thank you for the payware compliment. My dad was telling me I should sell the layout as payware, but I explained to him that I'm a relative unknown in the Trainz route building world, with no real reputation as a builder, so no. Your words do give me some inspiration though! :wave:

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I found what could be an height error:

Could anyone that has the layout, please tell me if they have this issue?

If you find this area with the dock supports sunk down, raise the sunken dock to 0.00 height in surveyor

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yup is same here, first i thought it was reflection in the water from the planking above
no big issue, where can I preorder the next route :-)

Rico, I saw a comment you made on one of philskene's posts, and immediately downloaded this layout. Holy smokes, it's incredible! I can't believe how much STUFF you packed into this space, and EVERYthing is moving! It's going to take forever to zoom into all the little scenes and see everything that's going on. I only had a minute to see it this morning before work, and was so thrilled. Thanks so much for sharing.
Hi Rico, cant wait for further Marklin Layouts, this one is already fantastic.

Thank you very much :)

I don't have any more Marklins that are nearing completion, although I do have 2 that are pretty far along.

I have 1 NG 30 logging shunt layout (MRR HO scale) called Sissiboo Logging that I am close to releasing. I started another NG36 logging, coal, freight layout that I have been working on, mostly making assets for the very unique logging features. It's based on the The Dolly Varden Mines Railway in B.C Canada and on the Degulbeef and Cradding MRR (Sn3).

Trackplan and layout details are here, for the D&C layout

I have the mine buildings modeled, (1-3rd pics) and nearing completion on the Sawmill, (9th and 10th pics) and have also modeled the Clear Creek Depot/Restaurant and tower buildings, (12th pic) as well as a modular log handling set like what you see in the 7th pic.

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Rico, I saw a comment you made on one of philskene's posts, and immediately downloaded this layout. Holy smokes, it's incredible! I can't believe how much STUFF you packed into this space, and EVERYthing is moving! It's going to take forever to zoom into all the little scenes and see everything that's going on. I only had a minute to see it this morning before work, and was so thrilled. Thanks so much for sharing.

Hi Toolman12345:

Just now seeing your comment :)

Very pleased you like the route, and session. Making this layout as much like a modern MRR with AI, heavy detail, and lot's of animated bits was my goal. I wanted any given user, to find plenty to Ooo and Ahh over, and never get bored. :cool:

I was just going over the layout with a friend via Discord, and I was finding alot of areas where I'd forgot to place signs, people etc. etc.

I will upload an update in the near-ish future, with some scenery fixes, and whatever else I find that needs tweaking.

No date, but I will post here when it's done
