Hello everyone:
Announcing my first layout release for TRS 2019.
KleinStadt Model Railroad <KUID:521966:101076>
And it’s accompanying session
Kleinstadt MRR - Mixed Session with AI <KUID:521966:101643>
Video Trailer:
Most of the assets are on the DLS, many on various sites.
To avoid the kuid hunting ( I really, really reeeeeally hate kuid hunting), I have CDP’d all of the modified assets for the layout and session, and make them available here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wmfdt1pxm8vncln/AABpIIajz0MdhMEm15D6JuBga?dl=0
The layout is based on an old Maerklin layout plan from the 1970 catalog. Image and details, here : https://www.scarm.info/layouts/track_plans.php?ltp=71
I managed to keep the original plan pretty much unchanged through the build process, but that did entail making a lot of rock and spline assets to make it work, as we all know the Trainz grid is far from friendly when building from MRR trackplans, with closely spaced trackwork, especially on different levels.
The theme is a mix of old/mid era German buildings… lot’s of Fachwerk (timber truss) buildings in town, and German suburban cottage homes. I have also setup scenes all over the layout that you can enjoy looking for. This was what really kept me from releasing this layout sooner, I just couldn’t stop detailing! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The session has 4 passenger consists (2 steam, 2 electric) running a folded figure 8 route, in opposing directions, and 2 opposing portals emitting varying freight consists at 7 minute intervals. All use commands from a schedule library. Fully signaled layout with blocks.
There are 12 locos on the route: 10 in the roundhouse, 1 fast diesel shunter and one tiny yard tractor.
There are 24 pieces of rolling stock, of varying cargo types for shunting.
There is a fiddle yard, unconnected, mainly for building your own consists, and 2 display shelves for consists/locos by euromodeller.
While avoiding the always in a hurry passenger trains, you can run:
Coal wagons > KleinKohle GmbH (load coal) to Kohleentladung. (dump coal)
Postal wagons > Mail from Postal building on main station track to Ship dock and back
Boxcars > Grain from Granary/Foods plant building to Brewery, General goods from the ship dock to Kleinstadt Spedittion (Road Carrier Transfer), Goods from Granary/Foods plant to Kleinstadt Spedittion
DB z53 and DB Ucs carriers > Säuretopf and cement commodity, respectively – Säuretopf transports acids: sulfuric, oleum, hydrochloric, nitric aci, hydrofluoric and phosphoric acid. Build a mixed consist and run around double loop to ship dock or Kleinstadt Spedittion.
Lumber wagons (Darker skinned coal gondolas) > Lumber from ship dock to Kleinstadt Spedittion
AI NOTE: IMPORTANT! : The AI runs fairly well, with an occasional passenger or portal consist getting stuck. Usually the KPEV T18 or the EB 110 passenger trains get stuck. The KPEV will always stop and wait for about 1 minute, when coming back into the station at signal 19040, but will resume on it's own. The EB 110 will get stuck on the station exit curve, or in the long tunnel east end at signal 4574, or when entering the big bridge just past the Notel Motel.
Use edit trains to move the consist backwards about 1/2 a consist length or so, and the loco will re-aquire the schedule and continue.
Incoming portal from the north may get stuck when entering the layout at signal 21380, but will usually move through the switches, but slowly. Same for the incoming from the west portal, but at signal 19238. Be patient, the AI almost always clears on it's own. VERY little fiddling required.
Trackage notes:
Holding tracks behind dock for emptys and inbound cars to be spotted
Holding/waiting spurs along east side of layout for whatever you want
Coal Bunker, Sand Bunker, Sand tower and Loco wash stations on service tracks next to harbor (Non functioning scenery)
Some of my models in the layout:
1920s Yale forklift – scratchbuilt from old photos – plenty of forks from later decades around, but nothing from the early 1900s, so I built one. Based on this model https://forkliftexchange.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/The-History-Of-The-Forklift.jpg
Custom tunnel portals – Scratch, based on a MRR design
Custom building signs and commercial window awnings
Reskinned Neoklai75 and Sholborn (CUK) people
Ducati Desmo 175T motorcycle
Outdoor beer garden beers signs
Reskin of the HUGE wall spline
MRR room sofa
Set of vintage Maerklin posters 1932-1939
MS-Schnelle Schildkröte - Fictional Coastal Freighter – fictional German fleet reskin of Motor Coaster MV Dornoch Firth
GP peniche h Blue-Black scheme (large, narrow cargo barge) – reskin of original by pat9149
1940s Semi_Trailer Weihenstephan Brewery – remesh/reskin of davesnows 1940 trailer
Anim Birds – White reskin (seagulls?) of arraials’ original asset
Boat Horse and Sawhorse – used for support of small-medium sized boats during drydock repair
Set of two plank walkways, narrow and wide. Generic asset – can be used as loading dock, walk way, deck
Timber deck support spline – 4x4 X-frame timber support spline – use under docks, decks, platforms etc.
2 versions of a engine shed workbench with props – use anywhere you need to fix stuff
Various signs and misc props, splines
Previously unavailable custom benchwork assets that davesnow made for me a few years ago. Released under my Trainz ID.
Special thanks to: euromodeller, philskene, oknotsen and railhead001: Dissecting and reworking/rebuilding your layouts, is how I slowly learned the ins and outs of building in surveyor.
ScreenShots follow, and link to full set here: https://ibb.co/album/849QR8
Announcing my first layout release for TRS 2019.
KleinStadt Model Railroad <KUID:521966:101076>
And it’s accompanying session
Kleinstadt MRR - Mixed Session with AI <KUID:521966:101643>
Video Trailer:
Most of the assets are on the DLS, many on various sites.
To avoid the kuid hunting ( I really, really reeeeeally hate kuid hunting), I have CDP’d all of the modified assets for the layout and session, and make them available here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wmfdt1pxm8vncln/AABpIIajz0MdhMEm15D6JuBga?dl=0
The layout is based on an old Maerklin layout plan from the 1970 catalog. Image and details, here : https://www.scarm.info/layouts/track_plans.php?ltp=71
I managed to keep the original plan pretty much unchanged through the build process, but that did entail making a lot of rock and spline assets to make it work, as we all know the Trainz grid is far from friendly when building from MRR trackplans, with closely spaced trackwork, especially on different levels.

The theme is a mix of old/mid era German buildings… lot’s of Fachwerk (timber truss) buildings in town, and German suburban cottage homes. I have also setup scenes all over the layout that you can enjoy looking for. This was what really kept me from releasing this layout sooner, I just couldn’t stop detailing! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The session has 4 passenger consists (2 steam, 2 electric) running a folded figure 8 route, in opposing directions, and 2 opposing portals emitting varying freight consists at 7 minute intervals. All use commands from a schedule library. Fully signaled layout with blocks.
There are 12 locos on the route: 10 in the roundhouse, 1 fast diesel shunter and one tiny yard tractor.
There are 24 pieces of rolling stock, of varying cargo types for shunting.
There is a fiddle yard, unconnected, mainly for building your own consists, and 2 display shelves for consists/locos by euromodeller.
While avoiding the always in a hurry passenger trains, you can run:
Coal wagons > KleinKohle GmbH (load coal) to Kohleentladung. (dump coal)
Postal wagons > Mail from Postal building on main station track to Ship dock and back
Boxcars > Grain from Granary/Foods plant building to Brewery, General goods from the ship dock to Kleinstadt Spedittion (Road Carrier Transfer), Goods from Granary/Foods plant to Kleinstadt Spedittion
DB z53 and DB Ucs carriers > Säuretopf and cement commodity, respectively – Säuretopf transports acids: sulfuric, oleum, hydrochloric, nitric aci, hydrofluoric and phosphoric acid. Build a mixed consist and run around double loop to ship dock or Kleinstadt Spedittion.
Lumber wagons (Darker skinned coal gondolas) > Lumber from ship dock to Kleinstadt Spedittion
AI NOTE: IMPORTANT! : The AI runs fairly well, with an occasional passenger or portal consist getting stuck. Usually the KPEV T18 or the EB 110 passenger trains get stuck. The KPEV will always stop and wait for about 1 minute, when coming back into the station at signal 19040, but will resume on it's own. The EB 110 will get stuck on the station exit curve, or in the long tunnel east end at signal 4574, or when entering the big bridge just past the Notel Motel.
Use edit trains to move the consist backwards about 1/2 a consist length or so, and the loco will re-aquire the schedule and continue.
Incoming portal from the north may get stuck when entering the layout at signal 21380, but will usually move through the switches, but slowly. Same for the incoming from the west portal, but at signal 19238. Be patient, the AI almost always clears on it's own. VERY little fiddling required.

Trackage notes:
Holding tracks behind dock for emptys and inbound cars to be spotted
Holding/waiting spurs along east side of layout for whatever you want
Coal Bunker, Sand Bunker, Sand tower and Loco wash stations on service tracks next to harbor (Non functioning scenery)
Some of my models in the layout:
1920s Yale forklift – scratchbuilt from old photos – plenty of forks from later decades around, but nothing from the early 1900s, so I built one. Based on this model https://forkliftexchange.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/The-History-Of-The-Forklift.jpg
Custom tunnel portals – Scratch, based on a MRR design
Custom building signs and commercial window awnings
Reskinned Neoklai75 and Sholborn (CUK) people
Ducati Desmo 175T motorcycle
Outdoor beer garden beers signs
Reskin of the HUGE wall spline
MRR room sofa
Set of vintage Maerklin posters 1932-1939
MS-Schnelle Schildkröte - Fictional Coastal Freighter – fictional German fleet reskin of Motor Coaster MV Dornoch Firth
GP peniche h Blue-Black scheme (large, narrow cargo barge) – reskin of original by pat9149
1940s Semi_Trailer Weihenstephan Brewery – remesh/reskin of davesnows 1940 trailer
Anim Birds – White reskin (seagulls?) of arraials’ original asset
Boat Horse and Sawhorse – used for support of small-medium sized boats during drydock repair
Set of two plank walkways, narrow and wide. Generic asset – can be used as loading dock, walk way, deck
Timber deck support spline – 4x4 X-frame timber support spline – use under docks, decks, platforms etc.
2 versions of a engine shed workbench with props – use anywhere you need to fix stuff

Various signs and misc props, splines
Previously unavailable custom benchwork assets that davesnow made for me a few years ago. Released under my Trainz ID.
Special thanks to: euromodeller, philskene, oknotsen and railhead001: Dissecting and reworking/rebuilding your layouts, is how I slowly learned the ins and outs of building in surveyor.
ScreenShots follow, and link to full set here: https://ibb.co/album/849QR8

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