Dan River Route(Still updating)

UPDATE: The route is almost COMPLETE I just got to add a few more terrain and scenery and do a little fix here and there. If everything goes fine, I should have it ready by this fall.
Any update on this route ? Don't see anything in a few months. Did you get it out there for us ?

I live in Knoxville so I'm in the NS Central Division. But I'm still interested in the work you've done. The pics are great. Can't imagine the hours you've put in !

Ok, for one, Reviving a thread this old is just purely annoying.
2, His work, Isn't that great to ask about an Update.
If you want to indulge yourself into the same idiocracy as many have before, be my guest. But, if you want to be a sane human, Don't make posts like this.
Great to see this board has some wonderful, welcoming members. Gotta love seeing a response like this to my SECOND post. Thanks !

How about this -- you don't like the threads I post in, don't READ them and don't RESPOND.

Hey guys

About the route, I'm still working on the textures and getting them to look very good is a pain in the ass. Anyways, I'm not during anything Trainz related I'm taking a break to focus on my school work, I'll get be getting back into it during Thanksgiving.
Hey guys

About the route, I'm still working on the textures and getting them to look very good is a pain in the ass. Anyways, I'm not during anything Trainz related I'm taking a break to focus on my school work, I'll get be getting back into it during Thanksgiving.

Yes....Getting to make it look good and right is a pain in the beep!!!!! I know how ya feel :wave:
Here's an update on the route with new tracks!!(It took me hours to have the new tracks on the route.)More pictures soon!! Most Likely tommorow.

Shot at 2007-07-26

This picture above is the Pomona Yard in Greensboro,NC the two tracks on the left is the Main Tracks and the other tracks are yard tracks 6 total.The tracks on the far right goes to a diesel fuel industry.

Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting

AWESOME you win Nice track and yard i dont make yard much this is great
Faceplam, that is all Gentelmen.
trainzlova8989, please don't bump old threads.
It is pointless if something like what you said is posted(no offence).