Need Help with content manager


New member
Hi all,
I've just bought trs2006 and TC, I've just d/l some stuff I was wanting for TRS2006, but it's gone into TC. How do I put it into TRS?

Also a couple of the files wouldn't download, content manager says the files are missing or something, can someone tell me how to get around this?

To get the content to go into TRS instead of TC, just open TRS06's CMP :)

As for the error, can you please supply the 'kuid' numbers? This will allow the rest of us to try it and see what happens.
I just downloaded both using CMP and no problems. You CMP must not be making connection with DLS. Try a different item or two to verify you have a working connection. You could also try pinging to see if you have a good connection.

Help please!

Hi All,

I'm new here too & I'm having similar problems. I've just purchased TRS 2006, and have downloaded a number of French routes. I have pulled them into the download helper, and started that running. I have then right clicked the item in the Assets window, and clicked 'save to CDP'. This has asked me to save the item into My Documents. However, when I open TRS 2006, I cannot find the downloaded files listed.
I'm sure it must be something fairly simple that I'm missing or doing wrong, but I can't find anywhere that tells me where I' m going wrong or what to do. Can anyone help please?
Hi VR_K163,

I suspect the stuff that won't download right would have no problem with TRS2006. Most everything works with TRS2006. You can't say the same for TC.
Hi All,

I'm new here too & I'm having similar problems. I've just purchased TRS 2006, and have downloaded a number of French routes. I have pulled them into the download helper, and started that running. I have then right clicked the item in the Assets window, and clicked 'save to CDP'. This has asked me to save the item into My Documents. However, when I open TRS 2006, I cannot find the downloaded files listed.
I'm sure it must be something fairly simple that I'm missing or doing wrong, but I can't find anywhere that tells me where I' m going wrong or what to do. Can anyone help please?

You don't need to re-save them.

The CMP User Guide available here should help you:
