naming stations etc.


New member
I’m having trouble naming certain stations, station signs, signal boxes. I thought they all could be named or renamed. I have used the “edit properties” button but I cannot name the thing, not even stations signs that say they are nameable.
Can any one help please? I am using TRS 2004.

Stephen Smith (AKA sidingcid)
Having looked at different stations and signal boxes, it seems some can be named or re-named and some cannot, is this a correct assumption? The station sign I am having trouble with is kuid 46219:28108 and 28110 these are by Jonny211 and are, supposedly custom naming, but I cannot name them.
While on the subject, how do you make a station etc. re-nameable? I presume you add something to the config text but what.
46219:28108 works fine for me in TRS2004 SP4 UK edition. After installing it, go into Surveyor > Scenery, place it on the layout, click the question mark in a circle, click the sign itself, type in the name you want and ok it, and it appears (but only on one side, which is not a problem I think).

HTH, John
While on the subject, how do you make a station etc. re-nameable? I presume you add something to the config text but what.

There has to be an attachment point built into the mesh. So unless the creator of the building is willing to give you a copy of the mesh source file (and you know how to edit it) you can not add naming to an existing structure.

There is a way around this, however. If you look on the DLS you can find several renamable sign objects. Just position them carefully so they look like part of the building.

If you can't find a sign that is just the right size, making one of your own is probably the easiest Trainz content creation project that you can start with.