Name-able items not showing "titles" in driver or surveyor


Active member
Not sure if anyone else has noticed this - name-able things such as station signs, and especially mileposts seems to show blank.

I've noticed it in driver, but then when I went into surveyor, I was relieved to see that they would show as normal...that is, until I would move away from them, (zoom out), and then zoom back in and the text is gone. When I check the properties of the milepost (for example), it'll still show the number I've entered in the field, but doesn't show up when looking at the asset itself. I've deleted the asset, and re-placed it, entered in the right text into the field, and it shows properly...until I leave it, then come back and it's gone.

Has anyone else noticed this problem?

Thanks in advance. :)
This is a known issue in T:ANE SP1. N3V is aware of the problem and hopefully it's resolved in SP2.
Oddly, I experienced this for the first time today, thought it was me!
I've only started using Tane this week after a PC upgrade and thought I had messed something up.
Something else I encountered today when route building was chimney smoke at odd places like on top of hills, next time I looked the smoke had gone only to re-appear somewhere else on my route.
Oddly, I experienced this for the first time today, thought it was me!
I've only started using Tane this week after a PC upgrade and thought I had messed something up.
Something else I encountered today when route building was chimney smoke at odd places like on top of hills, next time I looked the smoke had gone only to re-appear somewhere else on my route.

Yup. Smoking ground, smokenados in the sky, switch points and blades all over the place. These are known and really difficult to find so difficult to fix. Hopefully this too will be caught in SP2. At least though we don't have the crashes which plagued us when the program was first released. smoke coming out of the ground occasionally is the least of our worries.
Thank you JCitron, I like that description 'Smokenados'.
I had another one last night in an area off-baseboard, I just ignored it.
I experienced another odd one earlier this week, I was adding baseboards to my new map when road sections appeared! I blamed Glenfiddich at the time :)
Other than these little annoyances I am enjoying my new TANE experience.
Just in case anyone is wondering about 'smokenodos'.. here's a group of them.
There is a small one near the track that has a diesel loco sound effect!
Also one out in the "wilderness" to the right of the group.

Moved my point of view, came back and they were gone!
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