MPS Update: Report Route Issues


As we evolve the code for Trainz, there comes a time when DLC packages may need some content updated or certain DLC packages may need to be removed from distribution altogether.

While we try to do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to DLC packages, sometimes we don’t have the necessary source content to make the required fixes and/or the creator has moved on, making it difficult to update the content.

With our latest game update, we unfortunately need to mark a number of DLC packages as ineligible for use in MPS. This means if you are using any of the following DLC packages in your MPS routes, that content will become unusable in your routes and will need to be replaced from alternative packages.

After updating to the newly released Trainz Plus builds, we suggest that all MPS route owners load their MPS route to check whether it is affected. Specifically, if your route was using any problem content (list below), it may now exhibit both of the following symptoms:

1. The route appears to be missing all of its ground textures, track, and scenery.


2. If you open the Content Packages palette in S20, any customisation there has been removed and it's gone back to "mps-crossplatform" being the only thing enabled. See the Instructions for Content Package selection under the Trainz Multiplayer Surveyor if you need help with this.

If you experience these symptoms in an MPS route that you are the owner of, please contact with details of your route and the problems experienced. Don’t try to fix the route yourself.

Below is a list of the affected packages.

Note, if you are a creator of one of these packages, please contact to work with the team to fix any faulty content and get your content package back into circulation.

Belarusian Woodland - ( simc:sc495 )
Znamensk Svir - ( simc:sc475 )
Rostovsky Uzel - ( simc:sc439 )
Balezino Mosti - ( simc:sc368 )
Andrushivka Vinnitsa Uz - ( simc:sc427 )
Znamensk-Svir - ( simc:416 )
Inzer - South Ural Mountains - ( simc:616 )
Novocherkassk - Likhaya - ( simc:1058 )
Rodnye Prostory - SND - ( simc:894 )
Rodnye Prostory - SND - ( simc:917 )
QR National GE C44aci Pack - ( simc:1034 )
Model Trainz: UZ-Gbox - ( simc:1311 )
Jr West 117 Series - ( simc:sc446 )
TRS19 - CFR Marfa Gbs/Gbgs freight car pack - ( simc:772 )
D38 Schnabel Packs - ( simc:tdd050 )
LMS/NSR Wagon Pack 1 - ( simc:1381 )
Cornish Mainline Branches - ( simc:sc441 )
NYC Hudson Dreyfuss - ( simc:sc489 )
Fall Harvest Nebraska - ( simc:sc372 )
ZecRail Christmas Train 2013 - ( simc:sc183 )
Hinton Division - ( simc:sc276 )
Fall Harvest Nebraska Redux - ( simc:657 )
D38 Schnabel Packs - ( simc:tdd051 )
Pro Train: F-Series - FAA Container - ( simc:1332 )
VT MPS Content Package 1 - ( simc:2113 )
Trainz Route: Cornish Mainline and Branches ( TRS19 ) - ( simc:sc484 )
Canadian Rocky Mountains - Rogers Pass - ( simc:sc425 )
Canadian Rocky Mountains Kicking Horse Canyon - ( simc:sc371 )
ZecRail 2012 Christmas Train Pack - ( simc:sc029 )
Trainz DLC: Treez - ( simc:tdd025 )
Lichachove To Mosti Night Passenger 435 - ( simc:sc436 )
Lichachove To Mosti Day Passenger 432 - ( simc:sc435 )
CO 2 6 6 6 H8 New River Mining Coal Run - ( simc:sc384 )
Cornish Route Session Pack - ( simc:sc478 )
Quinnimont Coal Drag - ( simc:sc431 )
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Пипец, приехали. Все русские маршруты поросли одним местом из-за стрелок.
Пипец, приехали. Все русские маршруты поросли одним местом из-за стрелок.
Google Translate: "Kick, arrived. All Russian routes are overgrown with one place because of the shooters."
Google Translate: "Kick, arrived. All Russian routes are overgrown with one place because of the shooters."
Стрелка, стрелок it railroad switch. I don't know if this is an accurate English translation. But I know exactly how it will look:

The whole phrase is in English approximately: "All Russian routes are overgrown with one place because of railroad switches."
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Hello everyone from Ukraine!
During the lull from the bombs, I installed hard drives on the computer, since I have to take them with me all the time to the bomb shelter, and looked at everything. The problem is solved simply, it is enough to update (download from DLS) all the non-working junction.

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Yes, keep safe Oleg.

it is enough to update (download from DLC) all the non-working junction

Do you mean DLS and not the DLC?

I have no faulty junctions and I also have 20 items from that list. All are working and are all listed as "Installed from DLS".
Cornish Route Session Pack - ( simc:sc478 )
Funny that my Cornish sessions made it on the list as I didn't know sessions could cause MPS issues (shrugs).
Right now, am only confused so I've sent N3V an email to the provided address for more details about this and to see if this can be resolved easily or not.

Funny that my Cornish sessions made it on the list as I didn't know sessions could cause MPS issues (shrugs).
Right now, am only confused so I've sent N3V an email to the provided address for more details about this and to see if this can be resolved easily or not.

I'm not sure if this is relevant to this thread, but nevertheless.
Most single player "SC484 - Cornish Mainline & Branches (TRS19 Builtin)" sessions cannot be completed due to various errors that occur on TRS19 build 5.0 and TRS22.
Could you check and fix it out, please, if you have the opportunity?


For example, cars that derailed at the beginning of "Helston Freight Run" session:

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I'm not sure if this is relevant to this thread, but nevertheless.
Most single player "SC484 - Cornish Mainline & Branches (TRS19 Builtin)" sessions cannot be completed due to various errors that occur on TRS19 build 5.0 and TRS22.
Could you check and fix it out, please, if you have the opportunity?


For example, cars that derailed at the beginning of "Helston Freight Run" session:

I'll take a look at it.
