missing assets after using HOG


New member

I'm trying to generate terrain and texture it using HOG.

I get told I'm missing assets when I try to edit my route - I;ve added nothing to the route at all. My route is terraformed - but not textured.


Used the same tga file for the terrain, texture and minimap in Hog.
Generated a file called mapfile.gnd
Opened my route in Exploerer via CMP
Used my new file to replace the existing mapfile.gnd
Added my tga file
Created a text file called maptexture.texture.txt
closed the window
Committed the route in CMP
Opened TRS2006 and tried to lod my route.

The terrain and minimap are fine - but no texture. I assume I've put it in the wrong place - but where should it go?


Thanks - FK
Thanks - I'd added the teaures to world/custom/ground, but hadn't imported them via CMP.

I;ve now got a texture on the ground - but it bears no resemblance to the actual image I used! Its all red and blue where as my image was green yellow and blue. Its a map from a book - not a DEM or anything downloaded from one of the common sources (not that I;ve ever tried that). What coudl I be doing wrong?

