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    • Z
      ZyxwvU replied to the thread Interactive Passenger Stations.
      One catch with using any interactive passenger station that you always have to issue two commands (in the order specified below) to make...
    • Z
      ZyxwvU replied to the thread Trainz Roadmap.
      I'd love to vote - unfortunately there is some problem with e-mail verification, because I don't get any e-mail (I checked ALL folders...
    • Z
      ZyxwvU replied to the thread Shadows?.
      I agree with what you said. I did not say that this is the reason in this particular case (in fact, I pointed out that there are some...
    • Z
      ZyxwvU reacted to mick1960's post in the thread Shadows? with Like Like.
      Means if nobody touch this flag the objects cast shadows by default. So you have to put does-cast-shadows 0 to to the config.txt to...
    • Z
      ZyxwvU replied to the thread Shadows?.
      Here's the flag that controls casting shadows by the asset meshes...
    • Z
      ZyxwvU replied to the thread Shadows?.
      There is a setting in the asset configuration that allows controlling whether it should cast shadows or not (independently for each...
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