mac release date May 28


New member
And not a word. I pre-paid for the deluxe version for my 10 year old son and received no communication from this company on the last release date. They just pulled the Mac download. Now the new date has come and gone and still no communication. Forums are blowing up with complaints about this train wreck.

If you're going to make grandiose announcements about a product, get your **** together before taking people's money. thx
My sympathy as I'm also waiting for the Mac release, but I don't think (I may well be wrong) that a Mac release date has been specified.
It has since been stated by N3V (although it must be said that communication about the Mac product has been horrendously poor) that it had been delayed. The last I heard was that it's being submitted to Beta testers this week, and that it should hopefully be being distributed fairly soon.

If anyone from N3V is reading this, a public announcement about delays would have been gratefully appreciated to help keep everyone up to date!
May 28, although this wasn't announced until after the PC version was released. My kid was bouncing off the walls for weeks and really disappointed. Now he's forgotten about the whole thing, fortunately.

I was wrong :)

A release candidate was sent to beta testers (of which I am one) on May 13th. Since then no updates to the software and as alexl102 has said, an updated release candidate has been rumoured for this week.

I think that it's not unfair to N3V to say that the Mac version is a poor relation when it comes to priorities, so I don't really know when the Mac release will be. I hope your son will enjoy it when it comes though!
Anyone know if there's any further news? My order is set to come to my current address but I move on Sunday 28th June so if it's not gonna arrive by the 26th I need to change that on my order...
WindWalkr wrote that the latest MacTANE was sent to Apple last weekend for review. If they OK it, it can be released, if they query it, the process continues.

So, N3V don't know, we don't know and the ball lies in Apple's court.