long forum page loading first time loggin 5 minutes.

It's been behaving oddly all day, was getting database errors earlier on instead of the forum, then it was OK for a bit then ground to a virtual halt, at least it's sort of working even if it's very slow most of the time.
Same here, Malc. Woke up and got that weird "Database Error" screen with the Forums logo on it. For most of the late afternoon (3:00 to 5:00 PM, E.S.T.), it was really slow here too. Maybe it's due to maintenance.

Then again, wouldn't we have gotten a notification if it WAS maintenance? At least it's working again, no problems to report here in a very cold and snow-covered NEPA.

Keep calm and make a sandwich,
There was a severe spam attack this morning, at approx 10:30am (my time), the spammer in question was banned shortly after. It might just be a coincidence but it seems wierd that the forum has been acting funny since...
There was a severe spam attack this morning, at approx 10:30am (my time), the spammer in question was banned shortly after. It might just be a coincidence but it seems wierd that the forum has been acting funny since...
It is loading fine for me right now, but ill pass the message along.
There was a severe spam attack this morning, at approx 10:30am (my time), the spammer in question was banned shortly after. It might just be a coincidence but it seems wierd that the forum has been acting funny since...

Oh yeah, that James guy. Glad his reign of terror is over. Now i can search the forums in peace (mainly).

Keep calm and carry on,
I join in with the same experience:
Sometimes decent response times, sometimes a very slow forum. Rest of the web works fine, so doubt it is my connection. Earlier this week I thought is was just the terrible unstable wifi at the hotel, but now I am home again I keep experiencing this.
It's been this way all week for me. I don't think it's anyone launching a DDOS attack, or spamming that's causing this, but perhaps more related to the weather we've been having here in the US. Both coasts have been hit with some really nasty weather since the beginning of this week. The West Coast is flooded, with mudslides, and even snowstorms and a tornado. On the East Coast, up in my neck of the woods, we've had a week of heavy rain and light snow with some flooding in some areas.

On Thursday, I couldn't connect to anything without long pauses, similar to what we're seeing with the forums here. Running a tracert showed some wicked pings everywhere and a local internet router down, which meant everything was being rerouted all over the place. After the flooding in the west, the net got worse, however, things might be back in order again if the infrastructure was replaced, and perhaps if the routers themselves have updated their routing tables to reflect the new paths to servers.

Hi All

Just to report it isn't confined to the US - same here in dark and wet North Wales but not all the time (the slow connection I mean!!!)

Here in the UK it was the same all day yesterday getting database errors or page not loading at all.
It is OK today.
My Forum changed to a smaller text yesterday and there is no way to go back.
As a person with vision problems it makes things hard to read.
Anyone else having this happen?
My Forum changed to a smaller text yesterday and there is no way to go back.
As a person with vision problems it makes things hard to read.
Anyone else having this happen?
No. Forum now seems to be back to reasonable speed today.:Y:

To get your print larger (in Chrome at least) use Ctrl+roll mouse wheel to resize the image. It will allow you to select from 25% to 500% of normal size.
I am also experiencing long opening times and yesterday the database error. The other thing I have seen while writing a post is a message saying the website wants to close the page with yes and cancel buttons. Whichever I chose I find I end up with a double post when I eventually get back to the thread I was viewing.
Hey all,

Note sure of the cause but here in Aussie it was patchy would run ok at certain times and real slow even to point of not connecting at all at others, Depending WHERE the internet servers are located it would appear it is more a internet load problem as i did notice when you guys in europe and USA were at the times you would be most likely to be online was when it was slowest but when you would be sleeping it was OK

Best suggestion right now is have another brew of your choice while you wait.

Cheers Becky

If your still having problems let us know what OS and browser you have I am sure Someone will have a quick easy fix for you.

posted in larger bold text as Mike stated he has vision problems

Cheers Becky
Hey all,

Note sure of the cause but here in Aussie it was patchy would run ok at certain times and real slow even to point of not connecting at all at others, Depending WHERE the internet servers are located it would appear it is more a internet load problem as i did notice when you guys in europe and USA were at the times you would be most likely to be online was when it was slowest but when you would be sleeping it was OK

Best suggestion right now is have another brew of your choice while you wait.

Cheers Becky

The servers are located in Texas which is on the Gulf Coast of the US in the middle between both coasts.

No problems with my text using IE 11.
thanks john,

with internet you never really know where servers are LOL and just because this site shows posts as per my date and time zone also dosent mean thats right either LOL. Here in Aussie we often have issues with slow connections to USA servers but in last few years has been better as they seem to not ONLY route across the Pacific now but also go West through Europe and across the Atlantic. According to my IP traces i do from time to time. Also i would be curious to know how much goes via satellite these days and what sort of inbuilt delay that creates. In 2000 when i was in East Timor a sat phone call had a 2 sec delay on it each way same for the internet which was all going through satellite but the Cell phones were hooked through a different system and there was no delay there using the brand new cables they laid from Aussie to ET
