Life Update :)


Trainz Legend
Hey All

Just letting you's know that due to a couple of viruses i am currently waiting for my dads friend to wipe our PC ( Probably this friday ( Its monday here in AUS now)) And due to this virus i have lost a substantial ammount of Marooma ( I have a version back but at that stage only track for the new section has been laid and to be honest i don't really want to do it again :o )

Well that should be it for now , Hopefully the DL/S will come up after the wipe ( yes i know i can back up all my stuff but its longer for me to do than D/L the locos again :hehe: .

Gee, I hope you weren't using "that" computer when typing this thread!

By the way, I do also hope you have a GOOD anti-virus program, although I know viruses can get through them too.
Haha yea sadely i only have the one PC so i have no choice ( So far the only annoying "visual" thing the virus does is give me an error message everytime i load up a new page )

Also im running the AVG "free?" version so ive heard its ok.:)
