item restriction in session building

Maybe a silly question but it somehow puzzles me. When in Surveyor, what does influence the availability of items to use in a session? I know I have the filters (e.g. only show built-in assets). I had it a few times already that either later installed assets don't show up there or I suddenly had no rolling stock items any more I could add to the session. I'm not aware I set any special thing but might have triggered something by accident.
An asset needs to be without fault and not open for edit before it will be available in Surveyor. Check your "open for edit" filter in content manager. There is often a lot of stuff in there that has been installed but never committed.
I think I found out. I added rules, drivers, Trackmarks, set up the industries but not placed a single consist/train/loco anywhere. When switching to Driving from Surveyor to test some things and returning to Surveyor all Trains to select and place on track were gone. Workaround: place at least 1 consist and they remain in the list after the "Drive" test.
I think I found out. I added rules, drivers, Trackmarks, set up the industries but not placed a single consist/train/loco anywhere. When switching to Driving from Surveyor to test some things and returning to Surveyor all Trains to select and place on track were gone. Workaround: place at least 1 consist and they remain in the list after the "Drive" test.

Well, I think I was wrong. I did anther few tests and it seems all is fine until I use the rule "Multiplayer Rule" (KUID:447264:1045). As soon as I use it and do a test Quick Drive and return to Surveyor the possible trains I can add to the session are restricted to those already on the session. Sounds like a bug, can anyone confirm that? I'm on TANE 82717. Perhaps it's already in upcoming HF4? Does also affect some other assets, not only the trains, I noticed the scripted IT "Crowcombe-Heathfield Signal Box" got missing as well.
A database rebuild brought the items back but only if the Multiplayer Rule is not in use.
Are you talking about consists you have created, rather than individual locos / wagons? If so, you first have to save them as named consists as follows:

1. Create your desired consist.
2. With the consist tab selected, choose the Get Consist icon (bottom left on the Train dialog tab) and click on your consist.
3. You should be prompted to give the consist a name; enter the name of your choice.

Now that consist is saved and should appear under the consist tab whenever you wish to add a train to a session.

Well, no. when in Surveyor you hit F7 to access "Trains" list it's simply empty when you had added that Multiplayer rule. It only contains the trains/cars/locos you already placed in the session. In my case I had none setup yet so it was empty. In other attempts I only had 1 loco in there - the one I already placed in session.
However, not sure if it's a general problem or something got borked inmy installation but I now know how to workaround it so I can further enhance it the session :)