Is Pokémon Go Boosting the World's Economy.

Hi Again Everybody.
I'm willing to honestly bet, it is going to distract a lot of software developers from progressing on their projects!

I would agree pdkoester that many developers writing apps for the mobile market may well curtail current developments as Pokemon Go will undoubtedly bring a whole new criteria to that platform, that being truly mobile gaming. The popularity of Pokemon go will fade with time as all gaming applications do. However other apps in simular mode will follow just as (for those who can remember) asteroids followed space invaders all those years ago, which is what developers will be thinking of.

What it all means for Microsoft and the windows platform we can only wait and see. However Microsoft have stated that much of their future effort and resources will be placed into app development for the Google andriod, apple IOS and Amazon platforms. So, who knows what Microsoft may come forward with.

It's N3V that is boosting the worlds economy ... making every trainzer go out and buy a brand new 64bit PC ... Just so they can run a stupid train simulator
It's N3V that is boosting the worlds economy ... making every trainzer go out and buy a brand new 64bit PC ... Just so they can run a stupid train simulator
Let's be real... honestly, if they were going to boost the world's economy, I think they would have to finish each version of trainz, before a new one is out. And, to top it off, the Trainz a new era, it should have been introduced in the state is is now, then everyone that dislikes it so much would be buying it like crazy, thus a boost!
N3V just prematurely releases the incomplete buggy Trainz versions before they are ready for distribution, then the trainz community has to spend a year or so fixing the broken game for N3V ... just like all the assets on the DLS were not created by Auran/N3V, as they were generously created by 3rd party creators, who donated their assets to the N3V DLS ... What a complete racket
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Ah Pokemon Go, the fast and easy way to get rid of the oblivious population lol

Already a few cases where people were shot at. Unsure if they were tresspassing or not. What a great game haha.
Unsure if a bunch of (probably unhygienic) train nerds whose social skills generally leave a lot to be desired have a foot to stand on when it comes to mocking other people's hobbies.

Seen plenty more idiots stand too close to the track than I have be hit by a car while on their phones.

It seems you're all too elitist or too good for others to actually just accept something popular.

Me? I laugh at the complete low life's on here.

PS Petrama, in a country where there are 13,000+ gun deaths a year, I don't think 'a few cases where people were shot at' is particularly significant.
Ah Pokemon Go, the fast and easy way to get rid of the oblivious population lol

Already a few cases where people were shot at. Unsure if they were tresspassing or not. What a great game haha.
I have heard of a news report where the pokehunter was shot in the butt by a rocksalt shelled shotgun. So it does really happen. I don't worry about trespassers, the dogs do a good enough job holding the line. I actually have to warn about my dogs quirky habit of making any tresspasser change from a "Bruce" to a "Kaitlyn." (I cannnot quote it verbatum w/o violating COC rules.)
Unsure if a bunch of (probably unhygienic) train nerds whose social skills generally leave a lot to be desired have a foot to stand on when it comes to mocking other people's hobbies.

Seen plenty more idiots stand too close to the track than I have be hit by a car while on their phones.

It seems you're all too elitist or too good for others to actually just accept something popular.

Me? I laugh at the complete low life's on here.

PS Petrama, in a country where there are 13,000+ gun deaths a year, I don't think 'a few cases where people were shot at' is particularly significant.
So how many hours a week do you invest in Pokemon Go? I'm just wondering because you sound a little defensive.

Anyhow, this guy kind of sums up my thoughts on Pokemon Go. For all the 12 year olds, there's cursing in the video.
Pokemon Go ... What a complete idiotic game ... Humans have finally achieved total Darwin Awards, a total reversal of evolution ... Albert Einstein: "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots".

Pokemon is on the RR tracks:
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Hi Everybody.
Well, the Pookemon Go little critters in line with the opening title of this thread certainly seems to be doing their bit for the world economy.The Nintendo share price has increased by almost 90% since the launch of the Pokemon Go app two weeks ago. Apple shares have also increased by almost two and a half percent above the New York stock market Average standing at almost one hundred dollars per share in today's trading.

However, it is once again Google (trading under under its new corporate name of Alphabet on the New York Stock Exchange) that along with Nintendo has really gained from the Pokemon Go phenomenon. Google share price this afternoon ( 18th July) was standing at a staggering figure of seven hundred and 55 dollars per share, a two and a half percent rise on the day and has increased by 13% since the launch of the Pokemon application on the Google Play store.

Most of the investors In the above three companies are Institutional investors such as pension and small savings holders and therefore the stock price rise will benefit very many of those small savers and workplace pension holders all over the world enabling them to spend more.

Of course, the revenue taken in by the app has yet to be reflected in any quarterly results of the above companies. However due to the enormous size of the market it is expected that the share price of all three will increase again once those figures are announced. Indeed, market analysts are predicting that the Google share price could pass the one thousand dollar per share mark by the end of the current financial year if stability is maintained in the leading economic countries of the world (G7 and G20) and recession avoided, (a big if I feel).

Of course in any situation there are always losers and once again it would seem to be Microsoft. The company has been inundated by demands from windows 10 mobile users to have the app brought onto the windows store. A petition was also launched on the first day of the app release in the United States which collected more than 77,000 signatures in twenty four hours demanding the same. However the sad truth is that Microsoft will in all likelihood have to pay Nintendo to develop the app for windows 10, to which Microsoft have only commented to the effect that they are looking at the situation.

The Microsoft share price languished at 54 dollars per share this afternoon due to fears of Windows 10 mobile users jumping ship and moving to rival platforms. However it is good I feel to witness so many people both young and old exercising and thoroughly enjoying Pokemon Go wherever life takes you. The foregoing is to the benefit of us all whether you engage with those muti-millions or not.

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Pokemon go is just a fad. It'll die out.

Also why are we having this conversation? This is a train forum! U know, choo choo! Not (insert Pokemon noise)!
Hi kaytin,NY and everybody.
With every respect to your above posting kaytin ny, as the OP of the thread I was just trying to emphasise the importance of the econmic benifits of apps such as Pokemon now to all especially this comunity

You see, it is being reported widely that another world economic resestion may well come about due to the perceived instability in many developed countries Worldwide. Resetions mean that people have less money to buy the things they like. The Trains hobby at times needs large amounts of money from those who participate to fund such hardware as graphics cards etc, or whole new systems.

In the above less money generally means less money for PC hardware, in that there is less money for N3V, and therefore a shrinking community (you know for the Trains hobby choo-choo).

The part that the Pokemon Go phenomenon is playing in preventing that economic resestion is of the utmost inportance to everyone, especially to N3V and this comunity if it is to survive and grow.

With every respect I hope you can apreciate the above.

Hi everybody.
Well, after seeing so many people playing Pokémon go since it's release in the UK over the last few days, I finally surrendered and downloaded the application to my smart phone and one of my tablets last night with my wife doing the same.

After a month long holiday of a lifetime in France following the Euro football tournament and visiting the Riviera along with the battlefields of the first and second world war, life has seemed pretty dull. Therefore at the grand age of 72 along with my wife of 48 years and at the equally Grand age of 69 we decided to have a go at Pokémon go while walking to the office this morning.

in the above, I would have to say that the game is all that it is “cracked up to be” and playing it is absolutely hilarious. True to say that we did not capture any of the little critters on our way to work which is about a one and three quarter mile walk. My wife did spot one behind the tree at one stage,and rushed over with phone held high above her head only to miss the capture which resulted in her falling into somebody's bushes.

I spotted one on the town's Southern Way and went to rush across the road to capture it, but a furniture lorry passed between me and it before I got there, and it disappeared I believe on the top of the furniture lorry.

On our first day back at the office we found that most of the staff were hooked on the application. On seeing that we were playing the game on arrival, the supervisor in charge of the legal secretaries decided she would download the app and give it a go in her lunch break. The supervisor is in her mid fifties somewhat “rather large” and is someone I have always thought of as rather “ stayed in her ways”.

However, several of the legal team ventured out in the lunch break where one of the little critters was spotted on the entrance to our car park. The supervisor rushed across screaming, shouting and captured said Pokeman in Grand Style. She erupted in shrieks of laughter which bore on hysterics as she charged back into the main office (where we had all been watching from) to tell us off her triumph. Her excitement was at such a level that I would swear she had wet her knickers.

On our walk home from work this evening, we managed to capture one between the two of us with the wife also going into Hysterical laughter when I fell into a rose bush trying to capture one, for which I am still getting the prickles out of my arm now.

Pokemon Go is a great application,and someone would have to be without any shred of humour in their body not to laugh and enjoy this app. Throughout my long life I do not believe I have ever seen a phenomenon such as this. Nintendo, Apple and Google are doing wonders for the world economy with his creation and lifting the worldwide Gloom at the same time, and for however long that lasts, I believe a huge thank you is called for

Great Stuff

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There is a real scavenger hunt of buried clues, one on the old Wopsy RR trackbed, you find it and it leads you to another ... no fear the last train was 1920, and the rails are long gone, only a few 100 y/o RR ties, and bent NG RR spikes
That's great. I will still give it a pass though :)

A zoo here in The Netherlands opened it doors tonight to Pokemon Go players only. For a special reduced fee of 5 euro's they could spend an hour to hunt as many pokemon's as they could. Many thousands turned up as can be seen in the video below.

So yeah... it's pretty crazy.
So how many hours a week do you invest in Pokemon Go? I'm just wondering because you sound a little defensive.

Anyhow, this guy kind of sums up my thoughts on Pokemon Go. For all the 12 year olds, there's cursing in the video.

None. I work full time and study. I just don't understand how 'your game is better than theirs'

Ktrain I'm sure there were plenty of people were saying Pokemon was a fad in the 1990s as well.

Cascade, how you can genuinely say your 'treasure hunt' is great and theirs isn't? Clutching at straws, trying to relive the glory days that no longer exist.
Cascade, how you can genuinely say your 'treasure hunt' is great and theirs isn't? Clutching at straws, trying to relive the glory days that no longer exist.
Because one is a "real" thing ... and the other is a fake virtual reality 2 1/2 video screen with a cartoon character, designed for the hoards of mindless imbeciles, all searching for some invisible anime cartoon character called a: Peekatapoop or Nincompoop, or somting' like dat'. Made for drooling dolts who would rather wear a Virtual Reality headset outdoors in public, and walk blindly out into road traffic, fall into a mall water fountain, or walk in front of an oncoming RR train ... smoosh !
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I'm personally not interested in this craze, I don't even own a smartphone, but hey, whatever floats your boat. All it means to me is that I have to be even more aware of people with their heads buried in their phones while walking towards me, or worse yet, driving towards me. One hapless soul managed to drive right into a Baltimore police cruiser the other day while playing the game. luckily it was parked and the officers were standing on the sidewalk.