Is Pokémon Go Boosting the World's Economy.


New member
For those who maybe unaware Pokemon go is a mobile application produced by Nintendo which is now being distributed via the Google Android and Apple iOS systems. The game task players with roaming their surroundings to catch tiny creatures ( said Pokeman). The more Pokemon you capture, the more experience points you gain and therefore move to higher levels in the game and that has brought forward millions of addicted players in its first few days of release here in Europe.

Shops and businesses are paying Nintendo, Google and Apple to have the invisible creatures located in their stores which can be seen on the players phone when they enter. However, for less than $2 per day businesses are finding that the game phenomenon is in many cases trebling their business as the players buy goods and services from the establishments while in there.

I certainly feel that the above is an excellent development in gaming as the application gives players exercise by way of the large amounts of walking which have to be done while playing. In that the mobile game is getting people away from couch/desk based applications and into the outside world.

Having just come back from our local supermarket and seeing several youngsters in their playing the game on their phones, it would seem that this application is possibly the best and biggest thing to come out of gaming in the last 20 years .

I bet N3V wish they had thought of this one instead of strugling on with T:ane.

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And just research how many idiot's have been run over or walked off cliff's searching for them LOL, A mayor out here in QLD want's taxpayer's to fund light strip's at intersections to warn people with their head in the mobile that they are about to walk across a busy intersection so they best stop and have a look when they get the to strip lighting.
Slowly but surely responsibility is being taken away from everyone because of the few idiot's among us who have no common sense what so ever.
I dunno, based on the large amount of people getting hurt in relation to this game, i can only image the lawsuits Nintendo'll have shoved up their arse at some point.
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I made a cardboard cutout of a pokemon and hold it over a railway line using a fishing rod, so its popularity here is slowly declining.
Not sure what it will do for the economy other than create large mobile phone bills which I'm sure the mobile phone companies will be in favour of, parents may not be though! That of course assumes that all these idiots playing it don't swamp the network making it unusable for genuine business and personal use. Pretty much looks like it will get banned in major cities. Nuisance, invasion of privacy, risks to children, misuse by extremist factions, injuries caused by it and so on.

Playing games in a supermarket? Not a good idea at least two round here have at some point banned unaccompanied children due to the nuisance they cause and one banned them just at lunch time, again for the same reason and this was before this Pokemon rubbish started.
Biggest and best? more like most stupid and irresponsible.
I imagine it will boost the economy worldwide!

Here in the States I expect:

The Medical profession to profit handsomely from those who wont bother to look up to see where they are going. People have already been hit walking out into traffic, walking off cliffs, and walking into glass walls because the refuse to look at anything other than their phone.

Police Departments will need additional funding for more Officers to handle all of those who decide that there is no where off limits to them and wander onto people's private property because they "Have to catch them all!"

The Security sector will have a major boon as these Oxygen Bandits are now known for blatantly trespassing into places that are clearly marked Restricted Access. New methods will have to be devised to get peoples attention so that they know they are somewhere they don't belong. Perhaps a bull market for jammer that shuts down cells phones and will force someone to look up and see where they are going?

The Military will get additional funding for Security too! Just wait until one of these Darwin Award winners stumbles into a Military Installation clearly marked "Deadly Force Authorized" and claims that they didn't really think the sign meant them.

Lawyers will also benefit from all the frivolous and stupid lawsuits from said trespasser getting a load of rock salt in their backsides to some of them losing their lives due to their trespassing. Its NEVER the fault of the one breaking the law... now is it? ""Now people of the Jury, Mr. X here was pursuing his right to chase a Charzard when he stepped out into a crosswalk and in front of the #7 bus who was 5 feet from a green light and doing the speed limit. Couldn't that bus driver slammed on his brakes and waited until Mr X. had collected the Charzard? You Decide"

Undertakers and the Morturary
businesses will flourish when they come out with Pokemon themed caskets. You will even be able to get "I caught them all!" airbrushed on the sides. You just know there will be fatalities from those who find breathing and thinking difficult.

Cell Phones Makers will profit from those who will drop and break their precious Mega buck phones because they weren't paying attention to where they were going when they walked off that cliff. Gotta start all over again on the latest and greatest phone!
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Pokemon Go isn't new or even vaguely original. It's just geocaching. Been around a long time. The difference is, geocaching isn't marketed primarily to 10-14 year-olds, so you don't get as many idiots traipsing around people's property or into traffic or off of cliffs, though geocaching has had issues of it's own.

Of course, we need people to spend more time with their heads buried in their phones like we need a hole in the head, but I suppose this potentially has some pluses as well as minuses. Me, I enjoy laughing at the zombies.
...The difference is, geocaching isn't marketed primarily to 10-14 year-olds...

Interesting to note that all the 10-14 year olds shown acting like wabs in video being circulated online would appear to be very adult like.
I'm as sick of hearing about freaking Pokemon as I am about Michael Jackson, Prince, obamacare, Hillary Clintons emails, Trump, and how great steam trains are.
I had a guy, around 16 or 17, running around my back yard and poking into the bushes while holding his phone in the air. He claimed his GPS was telling him a Pokemon was hiding there. I told him that if he didn't get his GPS out of my back yard severe things would happen, not the least of which would be his phone losing the GPS signal after I hid it.

Hi everybody.
I would emphasize every respect to the above posters who “deride” the Pokémon go app, but I fail to see any value in the arguments mounted against the game. For years now in very many countries in the developed world the health services have been informing us that lack of exercise and obesity especially among younger people is the largest threat to the future welfare of those countries for which all taxpayers will find themselves footing the bill for.

In the above, we now have a computer app that at long last encourages people to enjoy that application while taking exercise and interacting with others in the “real world”. However on this forum there are those who decry that development without any valid reason in my humble opinion. Yes, people will always have accidents while traveling whether that be by rail,road,air or even on foot while using this app. However, that should not in anyway reflect on the highly beneficial health aspects brought to so many other users of this game overall by way of taking said exercise.

With many terrible, shocking and concerning events taking place throughout the world at the present time, is it not good to see people out on the streets enjoying themselves and this app. In the eyes of many economic analists world wide resestion is very much on the cards as people decide not to spend over fears for the future especially here in Europe.

If this application can do anything in a large or small way to help eleviate or prevent the above situation(s) then that will be of benefit to everyone whether they take part in the game or not. As pfx points out in his above posting it is not all young persons who are enjoying Pokemon Go. Many older people are also enjoying the game as images and postings on social media will testify to.

Again with every respect to posters on this thread who have critisised this app, I acknowledge that it is not the type of game that can be played on a windows PC or even a laptop and that I feel is at the bottom of their critique. However let the muti millon's around the world who own the app carry on with their enjoyment of it on their phones and tablets and lift the gloom around which it is long overdue

Shame Microsoft no longer produce a smart phone, another huge commercial mistake?
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I'm willing to honestly bet, it is going to distract a lot of software developers from progressing on their projects!
My friends are all sucked in. Personally I think this is very idiotic, and I put money on the claim that it will go out with a bang just as loud as the one that introduced it.