I am having tunnel troubles.


Well-known member
When I try to cover a tunnel with terrain, the terrain penetrates the walls of the tunnel and fills it in! The tunnel won't stay hollow from portal to portal. How do I keep terrain out of my tunnel interior so there is a clear path from end to end through the tunnel?
Jon, It all depends on what tunnel you are using. There are heaps of them but, you'll have no trouble using any of the following...
Tunnel Concrete 1 Track;
Tunnel Concrete 1T WO 1908 (There are two in this asset name, one is clear - the other is blocked)
Tunnel Darkstone
Tunnel Euro
Tunnel Concrete 2 Tracks
Tunnel Concrete 4 Tracks

An important thing to remember is make sure your tunnel 'terrain cover' is about 4-5 feet above your tunnel entrance and about 2-3 feet from the entrance. (Set up a 'Test Board' and try several out for yourself)

A good tip: Don't try connecting 'double tracks' to a 'Double Track' tunnel. Only connect single track to each of your double track tunnel spline points. (Double tracks do not have good connectivity.)

Roy, actually I am trying to build a tunnel into a hill for motor traffic, not trains, But I guess I can use train tunnels by adjusting the road spline heights to cover the tracks underneath.

Instead of using a test board, I just find a flat corner of my route somewhere out of the way as a test bed. My Euro Tunnel is blocked at the portals in one direction.
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This hasn't been mentioned, but maybe a dig hole will fix your problem. It takes away single or more squares from the grid depending on which one you use. I'm away from home right now so I can't look to see if they are built in or not. They should be available from the download station.

Roy, actually I am trying to build a tunnel into a hill for motor traffic, not trains, But I guess I can use train tunnels by adjusting the road spline heights to cover the tracks underneath.

Instead of using a test board, I just find a flat corner of my route somewhere out of the way as a test bed. My Euro Tunnel is blocked at the portals in one direction.

Jon, If you want a road tunnel,... then try "NZ Road Tunnel". It's pretty basic, serves the purpose,.. and even got overhead lighting throughout.

If your Euro Tunnel is blocked at one end, you might find that your terrain cover may not be completely 'covered' in some place. Make sure you extend your cover to each end of the tunnel completely (well to about 2-3 feet in scale). That's why I suggest trying several out in a corner of your layout until your sure just what you want.

As Jack mentioned, you can use a 'Dig Hole' but then you've got to 'patch-up' the surrounding entrance and exit with additional ground cover or layers to make it look presentable. For simplicity, I would go with my previous suggestion.
Is there a way to raise terrain with a completely vertical drop-off, like a cliff, so there is no slope? Trying to move overhead terrain close to the portals with Topology causes a slope so terrain protrudes out of the portal material canting downward at an angle.
The minimum distance between two terrain heights is 5m or 10m, depending on the grid used. To hide holes around portals you could use scenery items (like cliffs, bushes, rocks or terrain splines).

Thanks, Roy for the NZ Road Tunnel. It works. Now, I am trying to find a road to match the tunnel's built in road with two lanes and a double solid yellow center line.