Forum/entire site extremely slow

Texas seems an odd place to have such a facility. With all the heat generated and cooling needed surely Alaska would be the better state than one that boils in the heat of the sun all year long. :cool:
The forum seems to be back the speed it had a few weeks ago. Yes, that still aint the fastests in the world, but it is doable.
So if that was the result of this complain topic: Congratulations.
If not, I think it is time to stop bothering about as it apparently did not help (that much) and focus on something new... like driving trainz or something.

At the end of the day, the hosting is payed via products sold. Better hosting will cost more money making the price of products go up.... and something tells me a higher price to pay for trainz will even result in more complains.

Texas seems an odd place to have such a facility. With all the heat generated and cooling needed surely Alaska would be the better state than one that boils in the heat of the sun all year long. :cool:
It is slightly different then that. Temperature is important, but a constant temperature is even more important. Thats why some hosting companies keep their server room at a stable 40 degrees celcius (or somewhere around that), which is pretty close to the Texas temperature.
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Only a couple of second at my end to change pages, thank you to whoever fixed these issues here. But this still begs the question: "Why did it take so long to do something to fix the slowness of this forum." I mean, in any case AURAN/N3V would have had to do whatever they did to get the forum back to normal. So why not do it in the first couple of days when these issues started. This would have prevented some of us to vent our anger at the kids, partner, girl/boy friend, punching the PC or monitor, smashing the mouse, perhaps kicking the dog or cat (<---not really) or whatever else one would/could have done. The effort to fix the forum issues is the same on the first day of the problems, the same effort it is on the last day when this got fixed, so why wait so long?

Lionel, you are the web/forum person in charge as I understand it, any explanation why?


Sorry, not impressed here. Still takes 35-40 seconds for a thread to appear and over 90 seconds (and a click on "leave page") for a "quick" reply to appear.

It was better earlier, but it's getting worst yet again. (same problem as HiBaller, the post above)
A bit spasmodic here, alternates between page opening instantly to a 10 to 20 second delay.

What I am noticing is that the delays seem to occur more on longish threads, might just be luck of the draw though.

9 seconds between pressing the button and this post appearing, not bad but not wonderful but ok considering I'm getting a lousy ping rate off
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Hi guys.
Just want to say it is 07:11 here, the forum usually starts off with fair speed lately in the morning here but as the day progresses it gets slower and just about stalls at night.
Not sure what that indicates.
Good Evening All
I have been monitoring this thread, however not having any news, I've not been able to post any updates. Please keep in mind that, in some cases, issues such as this can be difficult to track down, or rectify. When I do have further news, I will post it here. However, we do ask that you be patient whilst we work on this.

Thanks Zec, for stepping in. I'm sure the internet will run much better when the UN has control of it!:eek:
Not here. Still very slow. 30 seconds between pages,


Try clearing cookies and flush the DNS cache. This seems to make a difference. There may have been a DNS server issue. That can cause problems such as this because the web address has to be resolved to an IP address. If the server cannot resolve the address right away, then there will be delays. Later on if they've fixed the problem and you have not cleared you cache, then the address is not going to resolve quickly, and you are still going to see the same delays if not longer ones as your PC tries to resolve the state cached data with what the DNS server say what the address is supposed to be.

Think of this as being misrouted post mail.

I do that normally at the end of every web browsing session because I don't save cookies from one session to another. PINGing still reports huge delays or outright failures to communicate and that doesn't use cookies.


EDIT: 147 seconds from click to post!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a new record.
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Since posting from my side takes about ~5 seconds and we both are using the same website, which by the way is hosted closer to your home then mine, I think it is time for you to consider that the problem might actually be on your side instead of the website.
Does sort of look as if as if bill may have another problem as the forum is ok again here as well, long shot but could it be an mtu setting issue which can affect some sites more than others.

Ping OK here at the moment, being on a mobile 3g network it can vary, currently about 160 ms.
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