Focus Camera rule by Mizi - problem


92 year oldTrainz veteran
I refer to a rule by Mizi called 'Focus Camera'

For anything requiring focus on a loco or traincar, this rule works brilliantly. However I'm unable to make it focus on a 'map object' although that faciity is provided.

There is an point in a session where I would like to change focus to 'Tracking View' and show a 'camera view'. If I select 'Map object' as the focus point nothing works, however if I select a traincar as focus there is a brief flash of the camera view and then the focus changes to follow the train.

Has anyone had experience of using this rule in the Map Object mode, if so what settings were used.

I have emailed Mizi, but it is probable that he/she has moved on from Trainz, there have been no posts in this new forum, so I am not hopeful of getting a reply.



It has been a long time since I used the focus camera rule, but as I remember, it would only focus to a type industry. Have you tried that?

I only tried 'map objects' but not an industry. The focus point I am aiming at is a Monastery, by a long mind stretch, that could become an industry. I will try that and report back.

I think that I could place have an orphaned section of line with an industry hidden within the main building, which is a large one.

Looks good.



Nope! I could not make the industry focus work. However I have found peace of mind.

I made a circle with two triggers, one switching to Tracking view mode and the other switching to Internal view, and a camera aimed on the track between the triggers. Despite my failure before, that setup worked. I found initially that the triggers would work once only, I switched from Trigger Rule To Trigger Check, set the triggers for one train only and the triggers kept firing repeatedly as the train circulated. It will need another pair of triggers for the opposite direction running.

That seems to have sorted that question out, and thanks for the help.


That is odd NG, I just tested it in 2006 and focusing to Auran's coal tipple worked just fine.

Glad to hear you got the trigger problem sorted though.

I'll try it again. I had what I would have classed as an industry, it is an invisible loader with attached track that worked OK with the load enabled flat cars I made at the same time. I used that, I figured if it was using a Lars script it must be an industry. Was I wrong?

I did find that using a Trainz camera, the rule will not work if the camera focal point is too far away, it just goes into follow the train mode. I think the 255 metre limit in the rule applies to Trainz cameras as well. That was also one of the things that gave me so much trouble in the beginning, if I had used a closer camera, I would have had no trouble.

I can't find any way to increase the limit, I'll live with that, the rule is too good not to use it.

Just noticed, you tested in 2006, I'm working in 2004. Perhaps that is the difference


I think that there may be something unsaid between us. I want to focus on a point and let the train run past, much like a Trainz static camera.

I have a suspicion that as it has to have an industry as the stationary focus point, it needs somehow to go through a load/unload procedure during which the train goes slow enough to load/unload. Going though at 15 mph may be just too fast. Is this why it works for you and not for me?

What settings were you using?

I could not get it to work even using the Hyde Pulp Mill, but I did not have any active cars, I used TO to junk all the standard gauge stuff a long time back.

Am I trying to do something that Mizi did not expect? If so, thanks for helping, I'll go back to the Trainz camera setup.



