Feliciadora - Spam


Trainz Maverick
Just received a PM from the above new user (zero posts on forums) asking to review his products.

Clicking on the link goes to an e-mart nothing to do with Trainz or any simulation product. (Hopefully nothing else sinister attached).

Can the mods/admin please take action to delete/block the account and maybe the registration process needs tightening up (a captcha or simple question requiring a typed answer) to protect members against this sort of activity.
Ive just signed in to find 2 pm from above on same subject. I wasnt aware that this was acceptable practice. Im glad to see that others besides me think its not.
Perhaps another measure the Admins could adopt is to prevent new users from sending PM's until they have made a minimum number of posts - say 15. This is common practice on other forums and goes some way to preventing this type of thing from happening.
Generally I love Spam

But I just hate the "Nigerian Rich Banker Imprisoned", that has 78 million dollars in gold bullion, and you will get your share, if you e-Mail them with all your personal identifications :hehe:

That is like 20 years old ... does anyone ever fall for that ???
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Got the same and reported it, which is all you can really do as this is usually taken care of at the system-admin level.
Yes, people fall for 4-1-9 scams all the time. That's why they're still around.

As for reporting spam, the most effective approach is to identify the DNS provider and site hosts by IP address. Of course, some ISPs are well aware - and very often complicit in - abuse, especially, those located in China.
If I don't recognize who its from I automatically delete it. Yes - I've ticked a few Trainzers off over the years, lol.

A local scam going on is you get an e-mail from the USPS (post office) saying they tried to deliver a package but you weren't home - please click here and arrange a re-delivery. Think about a second folks - - - how did the post office get your e-mail address, lol. Yup - its a scam.

To the OP:
It's best not to make posts about these things but instead fire off a report or PM to a moderator to handle the situation.
I feel happy that I did not get targeted though. :)
Good Morning All
Thank you for reporting this to us. I have forwarded this on to our admin for him to look into.

I have banned the account in question, however it's possible that there may be further accounts that aren't active yet. If you do see any further spam Private Messages, please use the 'report' button (same as on forum posts) to report it to us.

If you have received spam PM's, you can delete them after reporting them, as the report will still come through to us.

If I don't recognize who its from I automatically delete it. Yes - I've ticked a few Trainzers off over the years, lol.

A local scam going on is you get an e-mail from the USPS (post office) saying they tried to deliver a package but you weren't home - please click here and arrange a re-delivery. Think about a second folks - - - how did the post office get your e-mail address, lol. Yup - its a scam.


Yup... I've gotten a few of those in the past and more recently now that you mention it. Yesterday I received one from FedEx as well and I've seen them from UPS.

For everyone: Never, ever, ever, click on these links! They will download malware and you're machine will be trashed, meaning you'll have to go through some awful system cleanup if not a reinstall depending upon the kind of thing that gets downloaded.

Be aware that this malware can install Trojan Horses that don't take affect immediately. The reason being they are working in the background setting up things for later activity such as key logging, which means capturing keystrokes to a log file which is then sent off to a hacker or some other group/person that is out searching for bank and credit card login and password information, among other things.
