Explaination for the AMTZ incident

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SBB Cargo Germany

This is for all members who may wondered what happened.

I don't really know what happened too, but they banned me from AMTZ. I don't know why, i really did nothing against anyone, not in PM and not in the Forum there.

I first got a PM:

Please notice, as part of Amtrak Trainz Group, we ask for your full cooperation with projects. This includes consistency and proper forewarning to ALL modifications and changes to understood agreements either via verbal, typed, etc. All changes and modifications are allowed, but with acceptable explanations and advanced warning. Please note, your warning level is NOT increased and no privileges revoked. Your status as 'Staff Member' has been reduced to 'Member'. This is a consideration warning, and please have a nice day.

I then posted this at AMTZ, stating that the admins and mods there dislike me (which is a fact). I also said that this is no way to treat someone.

The post then got deleted, then they deleted my account. The only Administrators that were online at this time are HERT and SANTAFEBUFF.

Please dont start a flamewar here, i dont want to annoy or Insult anyone, but ist my right to post this to a.) tell the People what happened and b.) to be sure that everyone knows how they treat me there.

I have to repeat it: I did COMPLETELY NOTHING against anyone in the last few months.


Felix Richter :(
Same with me:
System Message · Today, 1:39 PM
Please notice, as part of Amtrak Trainz Group, we ask for your full cooperation with projects. This includes consistency and proper forewarning to ALL modifications and changes to understood agreements either via verbal, typed, etc. All changes and modifications are allowed, but with acceptable explanations and advanced warning. Please note, your warning level is NOT increased and no privileges revoked. This is a consideration warning, and please have a nice day.
That`s not very right. It`s so silly:(
It isnt silly Ivan :(

It is Amtrak trainz Group's way to get rid of People they don't like. Unfair and rude :( and with no valid reason
A nice try:

A few minutes ago it told me 'the user flusi737 is not registered at AMTZ'
After i posted this here, they restored the account.

They want to cover the Forum that they can say 'we did nothing'....
Isnt very nice too. Sorry, nice try, but i dont accept this.
This isnt even appropriate to be posted on this forum. And as such this thread has be reported to a moderator.
yes, because you all want that no one knows it, hm :) Where is the justice here??
I have a right to be here too :'( :'(
yes, because you all want that no one knows it, hm :) Where is the justice here??
I have a right to be here too :'( :'(

Yet your the one who replied on behalf of Ivan in the USA pics thread? Quite obtrusively too, you didnt think that had anything to do with it?
This is ridiculous, y'all are making it worse for yourselves by making this public on the forums.
I know. Thats exactly what i mean :eek:
I know it wasnt nice waht i did in the USA pics thread, but i have nothing against PT, i did it because my friend Ivan needed help :(
But this has nothing to do with AMTZ....except a PT trainz member is AMTZ admin...well...
This is ridiculous, y'all are making it worse for yourselves by making this public on the forums.

I know. I know it will cause Problems and all hate me, but isnt it fair to tell them the truth if someone just deletes me and hopes i shut up about it? It is unfair.
I have never hidden once that iam part of PacificTrainz, you see it in every post, its in my sig. But also being part of AMTZ i have to look out for that site too. Your response in the USA pics prompted me to alert SantafeBuff and he took immediate action for the safety of AMTZ. As you can read the Warning it says nothing about banning or anything. It was a simply warning while we gather facts. You seem to have overact and are now posting threads that shouldnt exsist.
Ivan /was/ part of PT, then he wasn't. He clearly gave them the cars and they were under the belief it was to be released at PT.

Felix, if the people at AMTZ don't make you feel happy or welcome, why bother going there, even if you 'have a right' to?
I like you flusi737 as a member. I still don't have a reason not to like you.

I just was warning you, that situations are sticky right now, and that to keep power down would be nice. Seeing that there are some issues with communication, I wanted to freeze things up so we can sort it out. Just trying to keep ya guys up to date that we do see to it that our agreements and understandings are kept clear and communication open. This was done by a formal, no warn level increase no removal of any privileges warning. Sorry you took it the wrong way, we want to keep our members, but make sure things are going smoothly at the same time. Some will feel the pinch, but trust me, there's a reason. I see that flusi737 didn't take the minor demotion well, so to let you know, I decided to let you back into being a Staff Member.

Sorry guys, I tried to keep this to AMTZ, privately. But seeing the thread, I had to remove it and immediately PMed flusi737 with clarifications that we didn't want him to feel unwanted. Now that it's all in Auran, well, I just had to drag the cat out of the bag.

- Joshua
? Erm, please:

They removed me as a Staff member (okay), but then i saw that my account had been deleted. Yes, deleted. I dont know what you all did, but it said THE ACCOUNT flusi737 DOES NOT EXSIST.
That was enough, sorry.
And now you reactivated it after i posted this thread?
otherwise...where should i have posted this? Just beeing quiet? why??
? Erm, please:

They removed me as a Staff member (okay), but then i saw that my account had been deleted. Yes, deleted. I dont know what you all did, but it said THE ACCOUNT flusi737 DOES NOT EXSIST.
That was enough, sorry.
And now you reactivated it after i posted this thread?
otherwise...where should i have posted this? Just beeing quiet? why??

We tried to keep this between PMs and other outlets. But you seem to be wanting to public spotlight for some reason. Like I said this shouldn't be discussed here anyways.
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No, I didn't delete it...I only changed your permission status to Member, which again allows you all the nice enjoyments you enjoyed before being accepted as a Staff Member, but also took you down a notch to Member on group too.

So it shouldn't have said anything about you being deleted because I never deleted your account. I wouldn't want to, and I'm sorry if it gave you issues, but I changed it back as soon as I saw you weren't taking the demotion well (I had no idea it told you I "deleted" your account). Being quiet would have left you at a normal member like most of our AMTZ community. But since this grew, I suppose you can have your Staff Member status back. Again, I was only trying to keep things calm for those involved while we sorted things out.

We weren't trying to scam or swindle you, and this certainly is no big conspiracy. Just simple moderation and administration in motion. I have no idea why it said that, I'll be talking with Peter later on today to see if that was some sort of glitch in the system.

- Joshua
Hm, not a public Spotlight. I got this message, and thought: why? and who?
Then i posted this on AMTZ, i simply dont want that peple treat me like that, not even a personal explaination, no: System Message: staff removed, warning, etc
After this post got deleted i thought: It's enough. They don't want me-ok. they delete me-ok. But they want me to shut up about it, that it Looks like that i just dissapeared? no. that was too much, sorry. And then i got the 'account does not...' message -.-
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