Duplicate Names


i am making some major changes to one of my routes - adding boards, moving track, signals, etc. I find that I now have a number of duplicate named signals? For example, if I use the find command to search for Signal E7-2, it shows I have 2 signals named E7-2, but only one of those can be found??? Surveyor 2.0 shows a point where it thinks a signal exists, but nothing is there. It is impacting my use of TRC enhanced towers as the actual signal is not being seen. Any ideas how to get rid of these phantom named items???

There are a few tricks that you can use:-

Method 1: Drastic: (drastic because it will delete the good with the bad but it is usually quick)
  1. In Content Manager select the signal asset or assets that are causing the problem
  2. From the Content top menu, select the option Disable
  3. Back in Surveyor open the Tools top menu and select the option Delete Missing Assets. SAVE the route.
  4. Back in Content Manager select the asset(s) you disabled in step 2 above
  5. From the Content top menu select the option Enable
  6. Back in Surveyor, add back in those signals that were deleted but that you want to keep. You will need to rename them if they were given names.

Method 2: Gentle: (no mass delete but it can take longer)
  1. In Surveyor individually replace (DO NOT use the Bulk Update/Replace option) all the visible signals that you want to keep with another temporary signal that you are NOT already using in your route
  2. Perform steps 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 from the Drastic method above
  3. Back in Surveyor replace the temporary signals you added in step 1 above with the correct signal (you can safely use the Bulk Update/Replace option here). No renaming needed as these signals were not deleted.
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