Driving Cars

In surveyer, open the dropp down menu at the left side of the top of the screen, select "Edit Route" andf designate a region like Australia or England where they drive on the left. Save the route and when you go to driver, the cars will have switched sides.

:cool: Claude
Hi Claude
Thanks but I've gone to " edit route " but can only change the working scale and working units, so can you explain more fully please
In TRS2006, in the routes 'config file' change the region to "USA" , for Right hand traffic, or change to "AUS" for Left hand traffic .

I do not believe there is a simpler way ??

Yes that was the first thing I did, the config file reads as follows :

category-region-0 "uk"

However the cars are still driving on the right and not the left as I want !!
any ideas ??
heh try using TC and placing a road,then goin into driver to find that each lane of traffic has cars going both ways...LOL
So like this.
When it should be like this.
Yes that was the first thing I did, the config file reads as follows :
category-region-0 "uk"
However the cars are still driving on the right and not the left as I want !!
any ideas ??

I could be wrong but don't "uk" cars drive on the left ??
Just to be sure we are not confussed between right and left, find a route you like the traffic direction, read it's config file -region and use the same -region in the config file of the route you need to change ?
"US" I know is right side --
Man, this is confussing me and I wrote it :D !!


Edit - maybe it is case sensitive - "UK"
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haha yeah its confusing me alright. I've tried both UK and Aus I want it on the other side to the USA on other UK layouts region is UK and all is well but on this layout " Shackerstone " it just does not seem to work and the traffic continues to drive USA style !!! its so frustrating aghhhhhhhhhhh