And another question, Can I add manual commands to Driver/consist if Automatically assigned in Dispatch Manager... ex..... after completion of a Task(s) like.....<Return to Staging.......and wait>
From my experience the answer is no, when a driver is under dispatcher control any commands in the driver's queue are simply ignored. You used to be able to add commands to the list of commands assigned by the dispatcher but they were ignored and then erased when a new task was assigned. I haven't tried that experiment in phase 2 of TLR.
Edit: I just tried this in Phase 2 and it appears to be working correctly.
Here is how to repeat what I am doing.
In the Driver Control Center, choose the driver you want to modify. Click on the button for View Driver Details.
In the newly opened window, you see the dispatch assigned task as a string of driver commands.
At the top look for Dispatch Status. Click on the downward arrow to open a menu and choose to pause the task.
At the end of the string of driver commands you will now see a tiny grey downward arrow. Click on it and it opens the command menu listing all the command available for the session. Choose a command such as "wait for 1 minute" and it appears at the end of the string of commands.
You can click and drag the new command to any place between the existing commands and let go.
Go back to Dispatch Status and click to open the list and choose resume task.
It will now execute the added command in sequence along with the dispatcher assigned tasks.
I successfully added a run around train to the end of the command string and it executed after the other tasks and then the dispatcher assigned a new task to the driver.