DLS class 150/2s


So I was having a go at trying to fix some of the class 150/2s which produce error VE165 and VE165, due to issues with the front.txt file and Im guessing the associated front.im file. Does anyone know a quick fix for this problem as a quick google didnt bring much of anything helpful up!

Does TANE still accept .im files, and is there an easy way to convert these?

Many thanks for any help
So I was having a go at trying to fix some of the class 150/2s which produce error VE165 and VE165, due to issues with the front.txt file and Im guessing the associated front.im file. Does anyone know a quick fix for this problem as a quick google didnt bring much of anything helpful up!

Does TANE still accept .im files, and is there an easy way to convert these?

Many thanks for any help

This sounds ore like a texture issue, or a missing attachment that's referenced in the config.txt file.

If you could, please copy and paste the exact error here, and we'll take a look.

Yes, T:ANE still supports IM files -- it's the native mesh format for all modern versions of Trainz.
If it's what I think it is, the error refers to a 'front.texture' file. If this is the case, PEV's Images2TGA is required to fix the error.

Images2tga is exactly what is required, fixed one of these myself earlier!

Just run the "front.texture" through Images2tga to produce a .tga/.txt pair and the problem should be solved...
okay i tried opening the texture file with images2tga, then i pasted the texture file and the new front.tga into asset folder, with the front.im still in there

I now get these errors:
- VE168: File 'front.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(local)/hash-61||kuid2 179051 150008 2.tzarc|'
- VE165: Texture 'front.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh 'front.im', material '*front*B3A2BF99*mtl #0*m.onetex'.
you need to remove the old file. All in all you should have:

Should the image to tga be producing a new front.texture.txt file?

This is what I did, opened the front.texture.txt in the images2tga, saved it as .tga and then inserted these two files into the asset folder? The .im file remained untouched
images2tga should have opened a .texture file and exported out a .texture.txt file and a .tga file, by default it will also leave the .texture file. Delete the .texture file (leaving the .txt one). You don't need to touch the .im file for texture problem.
