Distance between stations


What would you say is the average distance between stations on a commuter rail line? Like is a mile to close or to far? Maybe two miles? I mean the train has to pick up speed and have distance to slow down according to the speed limit on the route.
This is rather subjective. Here in Western Washington (the state) two miles is close, five to seven miles or more might be the norm. On the east coast I would think much closer.
It depends on the area, inside the city stations are closer to each other then outside, in more populate area's in the city stations are also closer to each other like Yamanote line in Japan where the majority of the line the distance between each other is around 1 km.

But I don't know much about the usa (if that is the area you want to create)
How about this:

You download and install Google Earth.
You go to the area you are using as an example.
You use the rules to measure distances between the stations :)
Yeah it depends upon how close within the city limits. The MBTA Haverhill line for example which I live on runs pretty slowly until it reaches Wakefield. Prior to that the train barely gets up to a decent speed because it stops at Malden Center, Wyoming Hill, Melrose Cedar Park, Melrose Highlands, Greenwood, then finally Wakefield where it has a good run to Reading. Then above Reading to North Wilmington and up to Ballardvale it's full speed, slows again for Andover, higher speed to Lawrence, then full speed for the remaining trip to Bradford with a slow 5 mph crossing to Haverhill due to the slow order on the bridge.

The closest stations are probably only a mile or two apart if that.

That's kind of a loaded question, there. It's kind of like asking what shape will Jell-O be in when you nail it to a wall. :P

Ultimately, it's a tradeoff between station convenience and speed. More stations is more convenient to a point, but also makes for slower service. But, if people have to drive far to reach a station, they may opt to continue on in their cars and not bother with the train.

Historically, at least here in the mid-Atlantic, station locations largely evolved. A hundred, hundred and fifty years ago, stations tended to be closely spaced. As railroads grew, they added even more stations. Many of these original stations were also built at the request of local towns, landowners, politicians, or other influential people, and helped grow those communities. The close spacing was convenient for people since there weren't many alternatives. Trains tended to run somewhat more slowly, which lent itself to close spacing. People had to accept that it might take two hours to get make the 30-mile run from the farms of Bucks County into Center City Philadelphia, for example. As the automobile became more popular, railroads had to fight for customers, and pressure to trade off convenience versus speed increased. So, they abandoned or consolidated stations. Where they didn't abandon operations completely, that is.

The route itself also matters. Since your sig mentions the NEC, the NEC in the Philadelphia region is pretty random, and the station are generally further apart than on the other 12 commuter lines. It seems to be more or less that way from NJ up to NYC, too. The NEC is perceived as a somewhat higher-speed operation, even on the commuter side of things, and its connecting service to New York probably also plays a role in the current station spacing. But, getting back to Philly other commuter routes, those are more closely-spaced.
It certainly has a part on where people live country wise or rural. The Glasgow suburban (largest outside London) also has stations less than a mile. My suburban station here in the west part of the city is only about a minute and a half city going and the other way about half a mile.
I live along the Surfline in Southern California, in Carlsbad, served by the Coaster. The two stations situated closest together on NCTD's line between Oceanside and San Diego would most likely be Carlsbad Village Station and Carlsbad Poinsettia Station. They're only a couple minutes apart by train, so maybe two to four miles apart. But this is in a suburb, around 40 miles from San Diego. The trains get up to maybe 50mph between the two stations.

Stations a single mile apart would more likely be on a light rail line on the very edges of a densely populated area on the West Coast. Like the outskirts of a big city, transitioning into suburbs. The San Diego Trolley has such distances between stations in such an area. I'm unsure of any heavy rail lines in the US separated by just a mile.