Having despaired of ever regaining my last pre-123844-build route, I have begun on yet another attempt. After roughing in some landscaping and some track, I was about to add a couple of stations for a test drive, but discovered there weren't any - well, there were half a dozen CNR stations which have the wrong level of platform from what I am used to in the UK & Australia, plus one other that didn't appear to have any script, and when I looked at Download Station, a large number seem to have disappeared from there too.
Great train routes we can have without stations!
So I have downloaded my favourites - DMT stations, which only just slide into the plus 3500 kuid bracket - but this has been something missing from TANE for ages:
The average long distance passenger train these days has anything from 10 to 20+ carriages, yet Download Station is missing stations with much more than 500m platforms, or maybe they are there according to one scale, but in comparison with the scale of the trains, they certainly do not fit.
Great train routes we can have without stations!
So I have downloaded my favourites - DMT stations, which only just slide into the plus 3500 kuid bracket - but this has been something missing from TANE for ages:
The average long distance passenger train these days has anything from 10 to 20+ carriages, yet Download Station is missing stations with much more than 500m platforms, or maybe they are there according to one scale, but in comparison with the scale of the trains, they certainly do not fit.