Deleting Content safely

So, I'm thinking I could make a route with custom content, load it up with all my rolling stock containing my custom reskins, list it recursively then save as a cdp and the entire route would be saved, much like a train set, without having to download additional content. Sound about right?
You could but you might need multiple CDPs due to the number and size of some of the assets. You will also have to exclude DLC and built-in as @HPL says.

This got me thinking... It's too bad we didn't have a "collect for packaging" where packaging can have the option of sending the assets to multiple CDPs if we want. This would hopefully solve the missing dependency issues we've become reluctantly accustomed to.

I remember this being available in Quark Express and other programs when I used to work as a desktop publisher. When sending files to a printer, meaning a company or person to print the job and not the local HP printer in the office, we would use that option to zip up all the typefaces and artwork, so that all were available to the prepress department to send to their imagesetter to make films and plates.
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