If you deleted the route within the last 7 days and you have backups turned on for 7-days maximum you might be in luck.
Check your Backups folder.
Go to the folder where TS12 is installed - usually C:\Program File s(x86)\N3V Games\TS12.
Go to User Data folder.
Go to Backups folder.
In the Backups folder, the folders are arranged by date in DD-MM-YY format, meaning it's 16-09-16 for yesterday.
In the folders is additional folders which might have edit x9085xEf or something like that. One of these might be your route, but there's more....
Check for a folder that begins with your Kuid and part of the name like this:
kuid 124863 100339 Enfield Rail Revision
Here's the one from my current route I've been working on. It doesn't have the complete name, but it's enough to know what it is.
To restore the route, knocking on wood you found it, simply start Content Manager and drag this folder into a CM window.
The data will be restored.
You might have to check the Open for Edit tab and commit the route if it's there, but you should be all set to go from there.
Now for the lecture:
I can't stress this enough. This is why backups are so important. A simple backup to an external device - a USB hard drive is highly recommended because of the space available works for this - by copying your User Data folder to the drive will work wonders and save you a lot of time and worry. A great program for this, and free too, is Fast Copy.
External drives are inexpensive today. You can get an 8TB external drive for about $350 or half that for a 4TB!
The reason for a simple copy is this will give you access to your files without needing a special backup/restore program, which may or may not work or require a special install to operate. These programs are not always reliable and have been known to go through the motions of backing up data and failing all without displaying an error message.
In addition to backing up the whole User Data folder, make periodic backups of your important routes. Use Content Manager and create a CDP of the route and session if available. There are various naming conventions you can use which will help. I use the Route Name --- version ---- date backed up.cdp format.
Perform the backup frequently - at the minimum of once a week. Using Fast Copy, you can perform what is called a Diff copy, which means only the data that has changed will be backed up. The initial backup will take the longest, however, all others will be much quicker and the time will vary depending upon how much data you have to backup.
With this safety net in place, you will not worry about losing important data since it will always be available.