Coal Country Route - DLC Uninstalled


New member

I recently installed the Coal Country Route. First, I downloaded the cheaper version from the Jointed Rail website, and found out it was missing a ton of dependencies that I'd need to get. Trees and countless other scenery items were missing, so I went to the Trainz store which has the more expensive version of the same route, assuming it had all the dependencies and assets included, and made that purchase. I could've made a totally dumb mistake in assuming that, but I was curious as to why installing both versions of the route with the content manager yielded the same results. I admit I don't know much about how Trainz DLC actually downloads/works or if I somehow confused the system by having two copies of the same route, with one being downloaded in an effort to "fix" the other. Right now, I'm unable to get another download from the Trainz store - I already paid for the route once, I shouldn't have to pay for it again right? Just going by Railworks logic there.

There's no reason why you can't download the DLC again.

If you picked up the route at Jointed Rail, ensure you also downloaded the dependency packs. That is, if you purchased the route and didn't just go for the freely available route without the needed parts.
I don't know how to download it again - I got to the Trainz website, click on "My Downloads" and nothing comes up. When I find the route in the store, and click add to cart, nothing pops up that indicates I already have purchased the route (which I did, on that same account).
In TRS19 and newer all Trainz DLCs from the Trainz store and Steam are handled via the Content Store on the launcher.
Click on that and go to Purchased and you should see Coal Country again ready for install (again, only if you purchased it from Trainz store / Steam).
3rd party purchases will require going to that 3rd party site and signing into the account used when purchasing (if they permit redownloading purchased items - not all do permit it).

As mentioned, grab the dep packs that will be in your downloads area on the JR website. I see you're a new member, so be sure you find the route in your content manager and get everything that is on the Download Station (you mentioned trees, they definitely will be). You can just right click, and click download and it will grab all the files it needs off the DLS.

Sorry you had to buy this twice! The JointedRail version is slightly more up to date so I'd use that.

Check your open for edit folder in CM. As you had the original installed you may find that some assets may be open, revert to original. Don't forget to check for missing assets on the DLS. A route download may not download all assets.