Corona visibilty

Hi all,
Does anyone know of a way to change the 'angle' at which signal coronas become visible? Also if you can change something so that they cant be seen 'through' other objects (like the backing plates and visors on the signals and the the walls of certain cabs). I may be the only one but if find it extremely annoying to be able to see a signals coronas when you are looking at it from the side or even sometimes from the back of the signal! any help would be much appreciated!!

thanks in advance
Have a look in he items config.txt

Coronas have a directional 1 to ALWAYS face the screen, otherwise they face the -z direction of the attachment in the original mesh.

Reducing the size can often reduce the effect too.
Is there a way to increase the distance that they can be seen?

I have all of NORFOLKSOUTHERN37's signals, but the coronas only become visible about 40 yards from the signal.

I've tried to contact him, but there has been no response.

These are some of my favorite signals, but unfortunately can't be seen very far away.

Any suggestions?

Have a look at the signals config.txt

There should be an entry

object-size 0.2

or something

Try increasing the number to make bigger
thanks barn700,
i understand that they will face the z direction of the attachment point, but what i mean is is there a way to change how they 'fade-in' as you rotate the cmera around,

eg, if you are looking at ninety dregrees across a track, and there is a signal there, and then rotate around to face the signal, the corona will 'fade' from fully 'transparent to fully visible when you are facing it. what i was wondering is is there a something that can be changed so that the corona doesnt become visible until youare at about ,say, 60 degrees from directly infront of it. I will fiddle around with the ;object size thing for now though!

no i just had a look then, there is no 'object-size' for the coronas in a signal config file, it appears to only be for 'ordinary' coronas.

any other suggestions?

No there is no way of controlling the angle, but the corona faces the -z of the attachment. You can try adding in the line object-size 0.4 where the corona line is. Also directional 0

Maybe an idea to post part of the config here that relates to the coronas, so we are both on the same page so to speak.

An idea, if you have tha mesh (I do this for my signals) is to put the corona in a 'tube' that does what you want.
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here is the guts of a signal config:

signals {
0 {
light 11
2 {
light 10,8,6,4,2,0
3 {
light 10,8,7,5,3,1
4 {
light 10
5 {
light 9,8,6,4,2,0
6 {
light 9,8,7,5,3,1
8 {
light 9
9 {
light 11,12,13
lights {
0 {
corona "corona_white.tga"
1 {
corona "corona_white.tga"
2 {
corona "corona_white.tga"
3 {
corona "corona_white.tga"
4 {
corona "corona_white.tga"
5 {
corona "corona_white.tga"
6 {
corona "corona_white.tga"
7 {
corona "corona_white.tga"
8 {
corona "corona_white.tga"
9 {
corona "corona_green.tga"
10 {
corona "corona_yellow.tga"
11 {
corona "corona_red.tga"
12 {
corona "corona_white.tga"
13 {
corona "corona_white.tga"

under the coronas there is no other options and if you try to add a line such as 'frequency' or 'object-size' etc you just get errors and it doent work. I have had a look at the config files for signals that 'flash' and they always have an additional script file with them that generates what i would call ''ordinary' coronas at th required time which do have the frequence, object size lines etc. but i dont know anything about script so its very difficult to interperet for me :confused:

does anyone out there have an example file for something like this i could follow and/or adapt for my own signals, as i would also like to makesome 'flashing aspects' aswell!!

once again any help will be much apreciated!!

