Content Manager Plus (CMP) Wont Start


New member
I'm having problems with my CMP. The problem is that when ever I open it. The window pops up and it makes the noise its supposed to make while loading. But it never fully loads. And whenever i click on something else. The CMP window goes white. Does anyone know whats wrong.
Go to the forum's main menu, and select the category "TRS2006". Once in there, look for a thread entitled "TRS2006 and CMP thoughts ?" started by deelare. Its long, but read the whole thing. Lot of good info in there, and a lot of things to try.
Go to the forum's main menu, and select the category "TRS2006". Once in there, look for a thread entitled "TRS2006 and CMP thoughts ?" started by deelare. Its long, but read the whole thing. Lot of good info in there, and a lot of things to try.
:confused: Be very spuciffic because I don't no what your talking about. When I Go to the main menu, theres nuthing that says TRS2006. And im sorry everyone. But what i need help fixing is my DLS. Thats what im having problems with. But DLS and CMP is basically The same thing.
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Is your profile data up to date, sounds like possibly you are not allowed onto the full Forum topics due to Auran thinking you are only a guest ??
Something as simple as an incorrect e-mail address ?
I am just tossing darts, but because the previously mentioned link did not work, and you cannot find the "sub-forum" (TRS2006), possibly you have registration problems ??

My thoughts ---DLR
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Is your profile data up to date, sounds like possibly you are not allowed onto the full Forum topics due to Auran thinking you are only a guest ??
Something as simple as an incorrect e-mail address ?
I am just tossing darts, but because the previously mentioned link did not work, and you cannot find the "sub-forum" (TRS2006), possibly you have registration problems ??

My thougts ---DLR

Considering the kids language skills I think your suggestion is spot on regarding solving the problem.

Is your profile data up to date, sounds like possibly you are not allowed onto the full Forum topics due to Auran thinking you are only a guest ??
Something as simple as an incorrect e-mail address ?
I am just tossing darts, but because the previously mentioned link did not work, and you cannot find the "sub-forum" (TRS2006), possibly you have registration problems ??

My thougts ---DLR
Im not trying to ignore everyones advice. But Im DIEING to use the DLS. But i cant because everytime i open it. It loads. But then the DLS just turns blank.:(

If you enter the 'Trainz Discussion Forums', scroll down, and do not see the sub forum 'TRS2006', you definately have other issues !

Best of luck ---DLR

If you enter the 'Trainz Discussion Forums', scroll down, and do not see the sub forum 'TRS2006', you definately have other issues !

Best of luck ---DLR
Nope. I don't see it. But i jus want to get started on my DLS. Ill work on that later. Please help me fix my DLS.
Nope. I don't see it. But i jus want to get started on my DLS. Ill work on that later. Please help me fix my DLS.

I am going to spell it out for you.

1. There is nothing wrong with the DLS ( downloadstation )

2. If you can not enter a forum named:

Maintenance of Way - Support


then you haven't registered your game. This is mandatory when you want to use CMP and start downloading assets from the DLS.

You have two options:

A. Register your version to your Planet Auran Profile.

B. If you can not do that you probably bought a second hand copy with an already activated serial key. Then you will have to buy a new one with a new serial key.

Good luck
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I am going to spell it out for you.

1. There is nothing wrong with the DLS ( downloadstation )

2. If you can not enter a forum named:

Maintenance of Way - Support


then you haven't registered your game. This is mandatory when you want to use CMP and start downloading assets from the DLS.

You have two options:

A. Register your version to your Planet Auran Profile.

B. If you can not do that you probably bought a second hand copy with an already activated serial key. Then you will have to buy a new one with a new serial key.

Good luck
Ok. Yur right aboout 2 things. And i need to fix them.

1. I did register to Planet Auran. But for some reason. It says I'm able to log in and log out. I always thought that Plane Auran worked fine for me.

2. You were deffinantly right about me using an already registered serial number. For some reason. I already had TRS2006 on my computer. But when ever I started it up. It would always have errors. An I wanted to uninstall it but my omputer won't let me uninstall my old TRS2006. Ill uninstall my 2nd TRS2006.
I have had some experience with CMP not starting up when I re-installed TRS06 as well. TRS leaves some dirty traces in you windows registry. For me it helped to sweep the registry clean with CCleaner ( free download ). A more radical solution is to re-install Windows.
I have CCleaner. I just tried to uninstall it with that. But my computer won't let me do anything. Everytime I try to uninstall something,it always says access denied. I tried to uninstall TRS06 soooo many times. I think thats because my user is set to limited account insted of computer adminitrator and i cant make a new user name. I no how to make a new user. But wenver I go to User Acconts, it dose't give me the option to create new user accout. I need help with that to.
I have CCleaner. I just tried to uninstall it with that. But my computer won't let me do anything. Everytime I try to uninstall something,it always says access denied. I tried to uninstall TRS06 soooo many times. I think thats because my user is set to limited account insted of computer adminitrator and i cant make a new user name. I no how to make a new user. But wenver I go to User Acconts, it dose't give me the option to create new user accout. I need help with that to.

I assume you will have to login as administrator in order to be able to use a registry cleaning tool or un-installing programs. Makes sense really. Try that first.
Thanks. It actually worked. Now that I have uninstalled both of my TRS06. I'll re-install it so I will only have one working on my computer. But since I'm using the same serial number. Am going to hav to makea new account on Planet Auran so that my DLS will work.
Thanks. It actually worked. Now that I have uninstalled both of my TRS06. I'll re-install it so I will only have one working on my computer. But since I'm using the same serial number. Am going to hav to makea new account on Planet Auran so that my DLS will work.

Good to hear you have solved the problem.

You should not make a new account. When Trainz is installed again you use the same serial number and account name in CMP.