
:mad: :mad: the most boring bit of trainz is trainz just couple up even at 100mph they just couple....

anychance of a collision system?

it would make a nice update for trainz 2006
what if the cars didnt go flying all over the place when the train derails... how about some realism there... its annoying to see slate trucks go flying down an inclne slope hit the buffers and go flying all the way across the map... its bothersome.... I dont like it..
TRS04 and 06 both need a real collision model. It should model real world physics. I'm surprised this was not included in TRS04 or 06.

But they sure did include derailments at switches. If Auran included switch derailments, what happened to collisions??? Should be easy to implement in a patch.
I think if you go into the settings button or that button with the yellow paper on it and click edit on the driver settings or something....and go to realistic........
Collisions aren't the main part of Trainz, so I don't think Auran should have to waste their time for something that usually doesn't happen.
The short answer to not having a collision system is that it is not the focus of the simulator. Driving, operations and route building are.

I would hope other potential real world type physics would be a priority if the Program was to be further patched or developed.
well the wey the TRS could improve is to improve there train derailments like to make the train cars interative when they come off the rails instead of haveing them just go thro each other. kind of like how the trains on MSTS that's the olny way i can see TRS geting better besides adding new trains to it. other wise in my mine it is the best train simulator out there.
From what I recall the whole idea of trainz as mentioned above is the operations side of things and routebuilding. As with most railways accidents do happen. ---->

No one was injured it was an ECS move that went awry.

Now if Auran were to build a new crash model of TRSxxx then it would mean each item of rolling stock would have to have collision detection paremeters in the config. Which I am sorry you wont find coming anytime soon in a simple SP2 fix for TRS2006, Judging by Trainz classics release next year then I would say any further service paks for TRS2006 are a no no, but thats just my opinion and I could be wrong. Basicly if you want collisions MSTS style (and they were good, I once had the UP DD40x end up on its nose!!!) then expect a complete re-write of the code, Which I personaly dont think will happen.

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What do you mean not the focus?????

The short answer to not having a collision system is that it is not the focus of the simulator. Driving, operations and route building are.

I would hope other potential real world type physics would be a priority if the Program was to be further patched or developed.

If there were a decent collision program It would be far more of a challenge to run the game, which would make for a better sence of reality
in stead of running in to trucks in a shunting yard at 50mph with no after after-efects.:p
and a whole host of horsepower extra available to run the collision monitoring.

When I have a derailment in TRS, even when the program is minimised and I'm doing something else, It locks the machine for the next 30 minutes while it tries to work out which way is up...

and then there are all the code issues.

prolly best that TRS stays being exactly that... a simulator.

IT is worth pointing out that if you put the new train physics rule into a TRS06 session and config it right, when another train takes a hard smack up the back end, it can break the couplers and that is as good as derailing.


all we need is bounding boxes on the trains, buildings, and track items =)


So who is going to put all those bounding boxes on the trains, buildings and track items + rolling stock, let alone the extra programming umph that goes with it , which will probaly include a re write of the code yet again which just happens to break several other things in the process. Nah I think you might have to wait till Trainz 2... but please for the love of god DOnt hold your breath :)

This debate has been on the forums for years. Heck even in here, we cant agree on this issue.

Trainz is a Train DRIVING simulation. Not a Trainz crashing simulation.

Explosions, violence and destruction etc, would ruin this great game.
Not to mention change the family G-rating.

Say NO to collision detection. :)

I'm with Alan on this one. I hope what we're trying to do is simulate route building and operating trains, not create another smash 'em up game.
Trainz does NOT need any collision mode whatsoever. I always try to run my railway without accidents or derailments, and I get very annoyed with myself if a derailment happens.
Please leave that side of it alone. Once again, I repeat, Trainz is NOT a mere 'game', but a way of life for myself, and thousands of others.
I admit that TRS06 is pretty sad when it comes to collisions or de-railings. It would be nice to have SOMETHING happen when shunting to fast. I don’t know, maybe something that would cause the scenario to end.
One at a time

What I really dislike about the derailing is that if you hit the end of the track, the whole train derails. Why not have the cars come off one at a time and the track still be usable. I hate having a train derail on the mainline and leaving me unable to play. Maybe a setting where if you do hit the end of the track, the train stops.
